Makeup sex. (smutty obv)

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A/N-lwk forgot ab this story ngl but we back

J spent the night in my bed, but we still haven't talked about the fight. I hope John B doesn't talk to me ab the cuts tho because that welcomes all kinds of awkward convos that I do not wanna have with him.

"Mmm Good morning princess" JJ groaned from above me, as my head is on his chest.
"Morning." I almost whispered back. I'm still angry at him for yelling John B, and I'm even angrier and the names he called me but I really can't help it, I'm falling for JJ Maybank. And the worst part is, I love it. I can't return to Missouri. I will call CPS and have them sort it out but I refuse to take steps backwards.

"What's wrong? It's a Friday morning and the sun is bright but you look like you haven't went outside yet today." Shit. The dolphins.

"Oh.. Right, I dunno I just didn't wanna go today. Something felt off." Not necessarily a lie but not also super true.
"Sooo... We should probably talk about the fight and what happened last night." His voice sounded almost like he didn't even recognize it. And honestly I've been abused enough to know that sound in his voice is fear. Is he scared of me? I haven't ever given him a reason to be? Maybe he thinks I'm gonna hurt him because everyone knows his father does. And my mother hurt me so maybe he thinks that I inherited it.

"Uh. Yea, yes, we should." Now I have fear lacing my voice. I'm not afraid of J, but of losing him. If this is the last time I talk to JJ, and we break up, then I will go to Missouri, and I will take care of Hailey.

"Look, I'm not good at this whole boyfriend thing. For the last like 3 years it's always js been me and the pogues, I haven't had a girlfriend. And I'm not quite sure how this works yet so please bare with me. I am sorry, for calling you selfish. You are the most selfless person I have ever met. I should've never said that, but even more than that. B, I am so so so sorry I told John B about the cuts. I thought he already knew, then he started pressing me and I realized he didn't. Even if he did know, I had no business talking to him about it. I'm sorry baby, and we can tell him about us very first thing when we see him today."

Damnit. I didn't want to forgive him, part of me wants to hate him so I can peacefully go back to Missouri and not have to put up a fight with my mother. I should've left last night. I should've went straight to the airport and never even looked back.

"It's okay, J. I know you were just worried about me, I think I'd be more concerned if you weren't after what I told and showed you. As for the name calling, no, you shouldn't have called me a 'selfish bitch.'" A look of regret and hurt crossed his face before he looked at me again.
"But... You're human, you're gonna say things you don't mean. However, if it happens again I will leave because I won't sit here and let you treat me like less than what I am. Also, John B went to go to The Wreck with Sara. Meaning, we have at least 3 hours before we see him again." I wanted to add on that we'll have the house to ourselves, but it didn't feel right because we're having a serious conversation.

"I never meant to treat you like or make you feel like less than you are. Please forgive me baby, I just want you. Nothing else. I'll kill everyone in this damn world if it meant I could have you." He begged with hopeful eyes. Of course I'm gonna forgive him but I need to tease him first
"Hm... I dunno JJ.. Will I still be able to make out with you? Or touch you? Or maybe.." I lowered my voice to a seductive whisper for this last part "I'll catch you touching yourself to pictures of me, and moaning my name again.. God the things that did to me, J."

I know that he knows exactly what I'm talking about. It was when I was talking to Barry, he must've thought everyone was gone bc John B had left for the night and I had been taking a nap. But when I woke up, I went to get water and I heard him in the guest bedroom. At first I thought he brought a bitch over, and I was gonna walk away.. Then he said my name. I cracked the door just a tiny bit only enough to see where he was and what he was doing, and sure enough, there he is.. Sitting on the edge of his bed with his phone in hand looking at my Instagram, palming his dick with the other one.

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