ii -seattle and dowd-

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* Heather's point of view *

I grabbed my go bag and made my way to the plane where I sat on the opposite side of Jennifer and Emily, and grabbed a book out of my handbag.

This was all just so exciting.

A case on my first day.

I've just been on the BAU for barely an hour but I already feel like a part of the team, they are all just so nice.

We made a bit of small talk, which consisted of the questions I had to answer and about the victimology,  until everyone was in the plane.

Morgan set up a laptop so that we could talk to Garcia about speculations and everything else concerning the case.

"Hey Baby Girl, do you have anything on Pretty Boy?" , he asked immediately after her face popped up on the screen.

"Oh, chocolate thunder, I'm sorry that I have to disappoint you, but Reid apparently left his phone at home, I'll go out to his apartment to see if he's there."

"Okay sweet cheeks, let us know if you find out anything. What about the case on the other hand? Can you search for males at their late 20s to 30s who have been left at the altar by a blonde with brown eyes? I need a list, sweetness"

"That's a long list sugar, but I'll send it to you asap. Garcia out.", Morgan gave a little wave and closed the laptop, smiling.

I silently chuckled at their pet names, and turned to face Agent Hotchner who told us who was going to do what when we landed.

"Prentiss and Rossi, you two will go to the coroner to look at the first victim, Morgan and Jayce you will go to the second victim and examine the dump sites. JJ you and me will go to the police department to talk with the families and friends of the victims and the two women who are still missing."

When we landed, SSA Morgan and I immediately got into one of the cars and drove off to the second dump site as Hotch had instructed us to.

"So you're a doctor?", Derek asked with a slight grin and raised one of his eyebrows.

"Yes, I am, I actually have two PhDs, one in psychology and one in criminology and criminal justice and BAs in sociology and literary studies", I also raised one of my eyebrows, mirroring him at which Morgan chuckled.

"So you're smart. You would probably get along well with Boy Genius.", he said and I gave him a puzzled look,"Do you mean SSA Reid, who is absent today?"

He nodded and corrected me, "Dr. Reid."

"Sorry.", I blushed.

We got off to examine the dump site.

We showed our FBI badges to the officers and ducked under the yellow police line do not cross tape.

Amanda Weiss laid there in the mud with her blonde hair cut short, her eyes were open and her hands were placed on her covered stomach. The white gown she wore seemed to shine, it was so white. She was so pale, it was as if she morphed into something insipid.

"He also did her nails, but they don't wear make up.", I said to Morgan, who also looked at her and then turned to speak with an officer.

I looked at the surroundings and then back at the victim. It was a small park but he didn't put her into view. He managed to hide her behind a few trees, in the dirty mud.

These parks seem to have a significance for him, he also abducted and dumped the prior victim in a park.

Derek and I decided to look at the first dump site and met up with the others afterwards.


Garcia made her way over to Reid's apartment. She was worried but hoped that it was nothing, maybe he just overslept?

But Reid usually didn't oversleep. And it was also unlike him to just not come to work, he would have made sure to tell at least one of them and if he had been stuck in traffic he would've gotten to the FBI building by now.

Penelope knocked on his apartment door, not only once, twice, but at least six times.

There was not a single sign of movement, everything was silent.

She called him again and again and again, and she heard the phone ringing but except for that there was nothing. Reid wasn't here.

She called Morgan then.

* Reid's point of view *

When I finally managed to open my eyes a sick feeling arose in my stomach, I turned and ejected the contents of my stomach.

After regurgitating, I looked around, but I couldn't discern anything, it was pitch black, no source of light at all.

It smelled like earth, somehow I imagined that I was being held in a mouldy, dirty basement. The floor was wet.

"Dr. Spencer Reid", I heard someone say, a male probably around 20-30 years old.

"So you've woken up? Did you sleep well?", another voice asked.

I decided to remain silent till I knew why I was here. I didn't want to agitate them, though, knowing what consequences that could have.

"Why am I here?", I asked. They laughed.

I repeated myself, louder this time, "why am I here?"

Several lights went on and I squinted my eyes shut, my head hurt.

I looked around then, seeing that I was in fact in a basement, and my hands were cuffed together, my feet tied with a heavy rope. But my captors were nowhere to be seen, I could not detect where the voices where coming from.

The laughter finally subsided and the first voice spoke up again, "We were there when you shot him. We saw you shoot Philip Dowd. We were there."

I remembered Dowd, he was an Unsub, I shot him in a hostage situation, he had us at gunpoint.

"Even your boss blamed you before, all of that was your fault, it had been your fault that we had been held hostage and you killed Philip and we had to watch. I could kick you like your boss did, but I'm going to do it properly.", the other spoke up and then both came into the basement like room.

I shut my eyes again, preparing myself for the pain.

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