iv -dr. reid-

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****a/n: Just added a picture of what I imagine Heather to look like (Stefanie Scott with brown hair)*

* Heather's point of view *

When Rossi and I got back to Quantico it was already late, we entered the BAU section of the FBI building anyway and saw that the others were still there, gathered at a table while Morgan walked around the room frantically suggesting theories as to who could've taken Dr. Reid.

Garcia was sitting at the table, a laptop in front of her, typing rapidly and searching for things.

"Hey.", Rossi and I greeted the others. "How's it going?", I asked.

"Not as good as we hoped.", JJ answered.

"What do you have so far?", Rossi asked and sat next to Emily. The others told us everything that they had so far.

"Did everything go well back in Seattle?", Hotch asked and I told him that Rossi and I caught the Unsub, Miles Harden, who was now behind bars and that we found the other two missing women and that they were okay except for minor wounds that could easily be taken care of at the hospital they were currently staying at.

"Actually", Rossi said, "I didn't catch the Unsub, it was all you Jayce, you found out that it was Harden and you caught him, you even got shot in the arm and it was just your first case, welcome at the BAU." , he pointed out and I shook my head, telling the others that it wasn't true and that Rossi did just as much as I did.

"Anyway, did you already check everyone of the Unsubs Dr. Reid has killed so far?", I asked the team.

Garcia nodded, "Sure we did and three of the four Reid shot are dead and the one that survived couldn't possibly be the one that took him since he's still imprisoned."

I thought about that. "Did the dead Unsubs have any family members that could have possibly wanted revenge for their deaths?"

Morgan shook his head and stopped in his tracks,"Negative, Jayce, we already thought so far.", he turned back around and continued walking through the room.

That sounded a bit harsh but I'm sure he didn't intent it to sound like that, he looked at me apologetically and I just nodded.

He knows that I just want to help but I don't know Dr. Reid yet and they are all really stressed out and worried.

"Why don't we all just go home and catch a little sleep? We won't find Reid if we can't concentrate because we are all too tired, it's already late.", Hotch said, "we'll continue looking for him first thing in the morning."

Morgan looked at him like he was nuts, "I'm not going anywhere till we find Reid."

The others left and made up their minds to call it a night but I decided to stay there with Morgan and Garcia who also said that they wanted to continue searching.

I searched for a map and when I found one I pinned it onto one of the boards that were just standing there in the room.

Then I marked the place where Dr. Reid's car was found.

After that I turned to Morgan and Garcia who now both sat at the table behind the board with the map that I put up, next to that board there were two others so that I could write what we had found out so far.

"So, let's restart, Dr. Reid's car was found there, there was also a syringe with narcotics found as well as tire marks behind and in front of his car. That means that there were two other cars, one that damaged Dr. Reid's car from behind and another one that probably stopped abruptly so that the tire marks were left. Two other cars mean at least two Unsubs", I said, grabbed a blue marker and wrote it on one of the boards.

"What kind of narcotics were in the syringe?", Derek asked Garcia.

"There were some sort of strong opioids, normally used to treat severe pain. It works on your nervous system and brain to reduce the way you feel pain but most of them don't last that long. ", she answered.

"Has anyone access to these opioids?" , Morgan asked then.


"Did you, by any chance, have an Unsub that worked in a hospital whom Dr. Reid shot?", I asked both of them.

"Yes, in fact, I do recall a case where Reid shot an Unsub called Philip Dowd in a hostage situation but Dowd died.", Morgan spoke very quick now, I hope that we were on the right track.

In a hostage situation?

"Who was there when Reid shot Philip Dowd?", I asked.

"It was a long time ago, like 2005, when I recall correctly, I think that there wasn't anyone except for Hotch and Reid, but let's check the names of the people involved anyway, and look at what they're up to. Do you have a list, Baby Girl?", Derek asked Garcia.

She typed very fast and now I walked in lines in front of the boards. "Wait!", I exclaimed, "Not so quick.Where was the case?"

"In Des Plaines, Illinois.", Morgan replied.

"Garcia, please check if anyone involved in this case works at a hospital or something of that sort and came here to Virgina.", I said.

But I still was curious about the motive the hostages had for taking Dr. Reid, except for that everything made sense. They couldn't have taken him just for shooting that Unsub? And if so, why now and not earlier?

She typed and finally said "Bingo."
She gave us the name of the possible Unsubs and we looked at the map.

One of the Unsubs now worked in a hospital, that wasn't that far away from where Dr. Reid's car was found and he lived in a small house with another one of the hostages in that old case.

I circled in the house where we assumed that Dr. Reid was being held and Morgan and I got into the car.

When we got there we wasted no time, Morgan kicked the door open.

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