xxi -i love you.-

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*Spencer's point of view *

I was currently sitting in the waiting room with the remaining team, nervously making my left foot bounce up and down, wondering when Heather was going to wake up and if I would be able to see her again.

I stopped when I saw a doctor step into the waiting room.

He quickly flipped through a file, scanning the information with his eyes and then looked up. The name tag on his coat said his name was Dr. Menson.

"Heather Jayce?", he asked and I immediately sprung up and the others did as well.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Menson. We were obliged to run some tests to see if Dr. Jayce's brain function was alright, and after just making sounds, she spoke which means everything should be back to normal. Well, she's back to resting now, but you can go in one at a time to see her now if you'd like.", he said, smiling at us and taking a pen out of a pocket in his white coat, reopening the file and scribbling something in it.

He then told us in which room she was and wished us a nice rest of the day. We thanked him repeatedly and shook his hand.

"Go on.", Morgan patted me on the shoulder once more, I feel like he did that at least a thousand times this week, "we'll be waiting right here."

I nodded and walked towards the room she was staying in.

When I opened the door I was greeted by her sleeping figure. I sat on the brown chair beside her bed and put my hand in hers, her fingers intertwining with mine after what felt like ages. She was so cold.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she looked so fragile, so broken. She had bandages around both of her wrists and on her right ankle. It seemed like her lips had still a tint of blue in them and her skin was so unusually pale. The red, purple and green spots and small cuts that covered her body and weren't dressed were accented due to that contrast.

I couldn't hold my tears in anymore and let them go, they burned down my cheeks and even silent sobs escaped my mouth. All the while I let my thumb stroke her hand and wished for her to wake up so that I could kiss her and take her in my embrace and keep her warm, protected, loved, forever. I would never let her go again.

"Heather? Please wake up baby."

*Heather's point of view*

He threw me into the water and held me down but I fought even though I struggled. Even though I was sick of fighting.

I think I actually could have made it, if I had pretended to drown, if I had dived down for just a few seconds he would've thought that I was dead and he would have walked away. I would have been able to flee that way after all these days captured by him.

Apparently it hadn't been enough that he had always haunted me in my darkest dreams, he had to come back hadn't he?

And this time, I let him win since I was sick, so, so, so sick of fighting. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to let go. I wasn't able to take this anymore. So I closed my eyes and let the water swallow me.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I was blended by a very bright light

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I was blended by a very bright light. Where was I?

Ah, right. At the hospital.

My eyes quickly got used to the light and I looked around to see Spencer, who held my hand and covered his face with his free hand. It sounded like he was crying.

"I love you Heather. Please wake up, I love you.", he sobbed and I started tearing up. I decided to stroke his hand back and croaked out,

"I love you Spencer.",which immediately caught his attention.

He peeked through his fingers, finding me looking up at him and smiled glowingly.

"I love you.", he said again.

"I love you.", I repeated, grinning from ear to ear.

He leaned over to kiss me and I kissed him back and felt safe but when he carefully touched my neck,

"you useless bitch I'll show you what you deserve!, He shouted, gripping me by my wrist and pulling me. He pushed me to the floor, kicked me in the stomach and then kneeled down on top of me, slowly bringing his claws to my throat.
"no, please, no, Rowland, please don't, i begged but He wouldn't have it.
"I do this because I love you, He sneered and wore a horrendous grimace on his face as He had both of his hands on my throat and i thought this was the moment i would die. i was now laced up, preparing to not breathe again when He let me go, slapping me hard across the face leaving me coughing and greedily snatching for air and then He unzipped his pants

"No, no, no, no, no!", I shouted, beginning to hyperventilate. I squinted my eyes shut, and shook my head.

"Heather, baby, come here, it's ok-", he tried but I couldn't.

"No, no, no, no!", I began screaming, wincing and flinching and wildly extending my hands in the air while sobbing.

He hurried up to the door, tearing it open and shouted for help, a doctor came in and tried to sedate me.

"Sir, I need you to leave the room for a minute, okay?", he asked and Spencer did.


When Spencer was allowed to come back in, the doctor whispered something in his ear before he left and Spencer looked sad.

As soon as he sat down again I began apologising, mumbling "sorry" hundred times.

"Shhh, it's okay, baby, it's okay.",he said calmingly and carefully got up to give me a soft kiss on the forehead, he was so careful, as if I would break under his lips and end up as squashed. He said that he loved me again and that I should rest, he would stay at the hospital and then go home with the others. I nodded and didn't say anything back.

I didn't want to speak again, fearing to say something wrong and even though I knew they wouldn't hurt me, I was frightened of being punished and touched again. I kept silent.

So when the others came in one by one and asked me if I was okay, how I was feeling, reported what happened when I missed I just nodded.

Morgan was the last one to visit me and he told me how sad Spencer was. He was honest and told me that he had found me in the water and didn't think I was still alive. He said that he didn't know what they would have done, let alone what Spencer had done.

I felt bad and was glad that they didn't know that it was my own attempt at ending it all.

**A/N : I made an Instagram by the way make sure to check the it out please if you don't mind @letsgetcriminal

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