x -discussing feelings-

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* Heather's point of view *

When I woke up the next morning due to getting a message on my phone, I had a really bad headache already, but I was able to regain myself and to manage a smile when I thought about having kissed Reid last night.

But my smile soon faded, regretting the kiss.

Encountering him again today at work would be horrendous and absolutely awkward.

However I made my way towards my wardrobe picking out random items to get dressed after taking a shower and go after my usual morning routine which consisted of brushing my teeth, combing my hair, releaving myself and so on.

Afterwards I took a taxi to get to the club and then got into my car in order to drive to work.


When I reached the FBI building, I took the lift but he wasn't waiting for me today, which was unusual and left me a tad bit disappointed and frustrated.

I still had mixed feelings about the kiss and hoped that both of us would survive working with each other.

I reached my floor, got off the elevator, grabbed a coffee and then went straight for the meeting room.

When I reached my destination, I opened the door to the room and all eyes were on me, especially those pair of brown irises that belonged to none other than Dr. Spencer Reid.

* Spencer's point of view *

Heather opened the door and immediately blushed when our gazes met.

She took in the seat beside me,like every other time we were to discuss a case, and I tried really hard not to look at her, imagining that it would be fairly weird for the both of us if she were to catch me staring.

I caught Morgan sending me a questioning look and just shook my head.

Garcia waltzed in on her high shoes, looking dismayed. I quickly peaked at Heather, seeing that her eyes were already scanning the case file, as she always did.

"I know it's the weekend and everything but the cases don't wait for you guys...", she begun, spinning around and clicking a button on her remote, "Big Apple. These are our three victims, Edward Carter, 32, Isaac Jeoffrey, 67, and Max Craiss, 29. All of them were hit by an axe at least 10 times. All of them were killed in their beds yesterday but the latest victim was found on the bottom of the stair case, and didn't die from the wounds but from blood loss. This killer is on a spree.", She clicked two more times on her remote, making pictures of the crime scenes as well as the place where the third victim was found pop up.

"He mostly smashed their faces.", I analysed, " and the victims don't seem to have that much in common. Different ages, skin colours, marital status, different environments, et cetera, et cetera."

"Maybe the Unsub wants to make them unrecognisable because he lets his rage,that was caused by a certain someone, out on the victims, projecting that person onto them. ", JJ suggested.

"Let us continue discussing the case on the plane.", Hotch interjected, " I suggest we leave as soon as possible."

All of us nodded and went to get our bags, meeting each other on the plane again where we continued to discuss the case.

Somehow I had the feeling that Heather had taken the seat that was the farthest away from me, though I was probably just exaggerating.

I sat next to Morgan, which was a huge mistake, since he kept bugging me about where Heather and I disappeared to last night.

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