iii -solving the case and flying back-

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*Derek's point of view *

After Jayce and I got to the police department we told the others what we had found out.

I noticed that my phone was ringing and held a hand up to excuse myself and put Garcia on speaker.

"What do you have for me Baby Girl?"

"Reid isn't in his apartment and his car isn't there anymore, I've put out an announcement for his car and guess what? They found it in a road, I've sent some agents over to examine the car and they say that someone bumped into him from behind and there are tire marks in front and behind his car, they also found an empty syringe. I analysed it and it has Reid's DNA on it but no fingerprints and there was a narcotic in the syringe."

I looked at the others worriedly.

"Thanks Garcia", I said and hung up.

I walked over to Aaron and tried to convince him of me going back to Quantico so that I could find Reid.

"Hotch? Please? We're so close to solving this case, can I please go and look for Reid? Who knows who has him? I'm worried sick about him, please Hotch."

He wore his normal stern look and told me that I should take the others except for Rossi and Jayce who would be staying here to catch this Unsub. Hotch also came with us.

* Heather's point of view *

I stared at the map, determined to find something, anything.

Not that much time had passed since the others went to search Dr. Reid.

Rossi and I stayed here to solve the case. We were pretty close to finding out who the Unsub was.

"Rossi come over here! I think I found something.", I said.

He came over and I told him that I found a connection between Miles Harden, the victims and both of the parks.

Miles Harden was 32 years old and was included in the list Garcia had sent us, he was left at the altar a few weeks before the abductions had begun.

His ex fiancé was 28-year-old Charlotte Webber, a pretty woman with brown eyes and short blonde hair, who left him for another woman, hence why he was so aggressive towards the victims and developed a strong dislike for the female sex.

"Let's go", Rossi said and handed me a bulletproof vest.

We broke into the house of Harden and I heard Rossi shout "Clear!", "Clear!", I shouted back.

I then heard muffled sobs from the other direction and saw a door where I also heard sounds, I motioned that I would go there to Rossi and told him that he should go the other way.

I opened the door and saw that there were steps that led down to what was a basement.

I slowly went down the steps, as silently as I could, my gun prepped before me.

Out of nowhere there was a gunshot sounding and an excruciating pain shot through my arm.

I spotted Miles then and shot him in the leg two times, ran over to him and kicked his gun aside.

I handcuffed him and read him his rights. We got outside then, too.

Paramedics came over and took care of my arm as well as of Harden's leg.

Rossi asked me if everything was alright and I nodded, "I'm fine, thank you. What about you? And what about the women?"

"Everything alright. They're going to be fine, don't worry. We should get back and help the others find Reid now."

* Reid's point of view *

They kicked me and insulted me. I don't know how much time had passed since I've been here. I just hope that the team is looking for me and that they are going to find me.

If I could only somehow tell them that this is about Philip Dowd.. They could figure out the Unsubs names in a minute.

I thought about how I could win myself time. I told them about Dowd and what he did and what he would've done to them if I hadn't shot him.

I honestly didn't know what they had in mind for me. They're probably just going to kill me any minute.

I somehow couldn't imagine that the hostages defended Dowd. I saved them, didn't I?

"You know, Philip didn't just want to be a hero, he was a hero, he still is a hero, he worked at two hospitals as an ER nurse and he helped people.", one of my captors said.

I responded, "He was and is a nobody. He was shooting at people in broad daylight and he was a nobody just looking to be a somebody and figured that if he could save the victims, he would be a hero," I got kicked again and coughed up blood.

"My boss just pretended to symphatize and play along with Dowd, so as to move you around and get me to my boss's second weapon. Yes he kicked me but he just did it to gain Dowd's trust with humiliating me but later apologised for it.", I explained.

"I don't believe you. What about you?", the one with the deeper voice turned to the other one. They both had hoodies on and I couldn't really recognise them.

"Me neither. I think we should teach you a real lesson, you should pay for killing a hero. Philip was a hero, he saved people."

"I save people, too. I saved both of you! If you were there when I shot him you should know!", I exclaimed.

Both of them shook their heads. "Oh, smart guy, you are a nobody! We should kill you.", one of them laughs and the other one spat just next to my head.

"I wasn't even aiming for his head, I didn't even want to shoot him, you know, I was aiming for his leg. I didn't have my gun permission at the time and I-" a gun sounded and my vision turned black again.

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