xxxiii -wedding-

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**A/N: it's the last chapter, please don't hate me guys  and tell me which of my stories I should continue to write next and please vote for my chaps if you think they're fine k bye i love you

*two and a half months later, after all the planning has been done*

*Heather's point of view*

I emerged from the partition wall, careful to not trip over my white dress

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I emerged from the partition wall, careful to not trip over my white dress.

I was now approximately three months pregnant and had a fairly small baby bump that was visible in my wedding gown.

By now we have informed everyone about the still tiny bundle of joy growing inside of me.

"AH! Look at that dress!", Garcia squealed, fanning her flat hands in front of her face, "you're breathtaking!"

"Oh my! I'm so excited for both of you!", JJ exclaimed, walking closer to hug me.

"Yeah, me, too! Everything looks so great!", Garcia jumped up and down as she joined in with the hugging before Emily also went along with the group hug.

"You look amazing Heather, let me do your make-up!", Emily suggested and I accepted willingly after I thanked the others and we parted.

I was glad that I had Emily, JJ and Garcia as my bridesmaids since this whole wedding thing had been fairly hard on me.

They had been by my side throughout everything which I was really thankful for and made sure that my worries wouldn't get out of control.

I hope that I hadn't been that much of a bridezilla, I had tried my best but in combination with my pregnancy and overflowing hormones, I sadly couldn't tame myself at certain moments.

Especially when it came to food.

When we had went dress shopping I had felt quite down since one normally did this with their parents being there,too, but I didn't have the chance. So the girls bought us a huge cake to eat after we found a dress and cheered me up.

However, all in all, it was a little marriage ceremony, just our team, our family and their family were there.

Emily did as she had said, JJ curled my hair, Garcia had turned on some ridiculous music and danced wildly, making me laugh and ease my nerves.

And then it was time for us to go up to the altar.

The doors opened after the wedding music had begun to play and my bridesmaids led me to the altar (since I didn't have my father at my wedding).

Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip.

Everyone smiled brightly at me but my gaze was fixated on Spencer, my husband-to-be.

I bit down on my lip, the corners of my mouth turning upwards.

"And now I ask you, Spencer Reid, do you take Heather Jayce for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?", the priest asked Spencer after holding a long speech.

"I do.", Spencer said, smiling at me, his eyes glistening in the bright light.

"Heather Jayce, do you take Spencer Reid for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?", the priest asked me now.

"I do.", I said, the biggest smile plastered on my face. I was just so unbelievably happy.

We now had to exchange rings, before the priest officially declared us as wife and husband.

Spencer placed the wedding ring on my ring finger, "Heather, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidel-", The ring fell out of his hand and his gaze was now fixated on the door at the other end of the altar.

Did he want to flee? To escape? Run out the door and never look back again before it was too late?

I was wrong. He looked at that door as if he knew what would happen in the next few seconds.

My eyes were still focused on Spencer as a gunshot sounded out of nowhere, he went to the ground and I couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

The loud blast had torn through the atmosphere making everything atrocious, and now there was warm liquid seeping through his tuxedo.

He was shot right in the heart.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!", a woman shouted, it sounded like Diana.

Derek, Aaron and David ran outside to try to get the twisted human being who shot Spencer.

The other guests just sat there, like pupals, covering the eyes of their children, their own eyes scanning all the red.

The others, the girls and the priest, just stood there, as if they were fossilised.

I kneeled down beside Spencer, the love of my life, on the floor, crying panicked and neglecting the warmth of something dripping down my thigh.

"Spencer, my love, Spencer, please stay with me.", I begged him, trying my hardest to suppress all the pain.

"I-I love you, Heath.", he choked out, laying there in his own blood.

"I love you Spencer. You have to stay with me.", I sobbed.

My white dress was now stained with red, as I tried to stop him from bleeding, my numb, red hands pressing down on his chest, still talking to him and begging him to stay with me as his eyelids fell closed.

He wouldn't drown in his own blood, I couldn't let him.



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