xxxii -good news-

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*Heather's point of view*

"Yes.", I answered in awe, my hands covering my mouth that hung open due to me being totally taken aback, with tears in my eyes, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I'd adore to."

He laughed and got up from the street, the place where his one knee had met the ground was now wet.

He let his lips brush against mine slightly smiling, before leaning in fully and kissing me deeply, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Spencer, so much."

My fiancé put the beautiful ring on my finger and we went to celebrate our engagement at home under our blankets. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )


When we were called in for a new case Spencer suggested that we should tell the team and I agreed.

We went to the conference room where everybody was waiting and Garcia presented the case. We were to fly to Toledo, Ohio to investigate the murder of two young couples.

When we went to board the jet, I told Spencer that we should tell them when we solved the case since we would be in a way better mood.

He agreed but told me to hide the ring the best I could, so that they wouldn't notice anything. But we are all profilers.

"Baby Girl? You're flying with us today?",Morgan asked Garcia excitedly and she nodded.

"She has to check everything the teenagers did online. The only connection between the victims was a website that shut down our system but you know Garcia.", Hotch said.

"I managed to free our systems but am now coming with you to see what that was about."

"That's great.", Spencer said.

,"I mean, that you're coming with us not that we got hacked or that people were killed.", he spoke rapidly, finishing off with an awkward, at the same time cute, laugh.

"Something's up. What's wrong Spencer?", Emily asked giving him a suspicious look before her eyes landed on me.

"Nothing.", I answered for Spencer.

"You're hiding something.", JJ noticed and we frantically shook our heads no.

I placed my hand on Spencer's leg and he quickly covered the ring up in placing his hand over mine.

"Spill the beans, there's something cooking.", Morgan demanded and so Spencer placed our hands on the table and removed his to reveal the ring.

"We're engaged.", he exclaimed and the others cheered while I looked at him goofily. I wasn't mad that he told them now but it was just, it sounded so different, telling the team, our family.

Does he really want me?, my brain asked itself, this question burning in every cell of mine.

"Finally!", Garcia said.

"I knew it.", Emily threw in.

"Congratulations!", Hotch smiled and the others joined in congratulating us.

"We should celebrate your engagement sometime. Pasta at my place?", Rossi suggested.

"That would be great, thank you, David.", I said happily, pushing my doubts aside, looking forward to celebrating this.

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