xvi -stalker-

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*Spencer's point of view*

My hands trembled and my knees felt like they were breaking in.

Heather. Heather. Oh, Heather. What happened to you?

It felt like the whole world froze when I read the short note out aloud.

Everyone around me had stopped moving, looking at me and not being able to speak.

I couldn't speak either, the words were caught in my throat that seemed like it was tied together, fastened not so that it would kill me but that I would just barely manage to live on.

My respiration began to fasten, I was panicking. Why would someone do this to her?

This couldn't possibly be true.

But it was, JJ was the first to finally move, trying to bring her right hand to my shoulder to comfort me, to make me feel better, but forcing me to realise and confront what was happening at the same time.

I flinched.

She looked very hurt at that, bringing her hand back to her side, pulling on her long sleeved top.

It was my fault. Everything was my fault. I should've been there to protect her. I'm the one to blame, a failure, a huge disappointment. It should've been me.

Turning away from my team, I tried to distance myself, believing that if I left them, this room, this building, everything behind that I would leave the situation behind as well.

But that wasn't the case, I couldn't pretend like this wasn't happening when the woman that I deeply cared for was somewhere out there, needing me to save her. I needed to know if it wasn't already too late.

"Spence.", JJ whispered, still trying to make me say anything, she reached out her hand again but took it back when she saw that I was still frozen and shocked and still staring at my own hands.

"Sit down, Spencer. Take this seat.", Penelope said, her voice sounding very strange - unfamiliar, not like I knew her.

"Right, you look like you're going to fall off of your feet.", Derek rushed over, Aaron and Emily right behind him.

Everything felt like occurring in slow motion.

When I sat down on the chair I felt like holding on to it for dear life, hoping, craving for something that wouldn't be taken away from me.

"Spencer?", Hotch asked me, and I just managed to nod my head once, my focus still on my hands though, even after he stared at me for a few minutes, "Emily and I are driving over to Heather's, is that okay?"

I nodded once again, slowly bringing the fingers of my right hand to the front pocket in my pants, getting out Heather's keys that I had grabbed when I was at her house and holding them out to Hotch.

*Emily's point of view *

Hotch took the keys out of Reid's hand, which was trembling, making the keys clink slightly.

We got to Heather's house as soon as possible since it was already turning late. Aaron had already called Garcia, ordering her to tell everybody to go home and sleep, and one of the team members to take care of Spencer.

"I will look for pieces of evidence upstairs.", Hotch announced taking two steps at a time, so that he quickly disappeared from my point of view.

This meant I needed to take care of the rooms on the ground floor.

I made my way over to the kitchen where I turned on the lights and didn't see anything unusual, everything seemed meticulously in place, everything was uber-clean.

The same applies to the living room that was directly connected to the big kitchen.

After having looked through every drawer and shelve, which made me feel bad about having to do this saw that there were several envelopes stacked on top of each other on the table in front of Heather's settee.

My eyes were directed at them and only them and I pictured all of the things that were written inside of them.

Somehow I couldn't bring myself to open them.

Hotch gave me a fright when he came in the door, I hadn't heard him coming in and I also hadn't seen him.

"Did you find anything?", he asked, taking a seat on the settee. I turned back to staring at the envelopes and pointed at them.

He nodded, "Nothing else?"

I shook my head, "What about you?", I asked and he shook his head.

"Everything is just so clean, it frightens me.", he said, "Did you look through the envelopes?"

"No, I have a pretty bad feeling about reading them, I have a bad feeling about everything here, to be honest."

Hotch shortly closed his eyes in concentration, "We have to find her, Emily. All of us can't handle another loss.."

I took the first envelope and gave it to Hotch, looking at him, "well, I hope Heather isn't lost yet."

He took the envelope out of my hand, I took the next one and we began to read in silence.

After a while both of us had read every one of the letters from Heather's stalker.

We had left them on the table, having created the only small mess in this whole house.

"He uses an odd stylistic means; you broke us up and now I want to break your neck , he uses the same word for two different things in one sentence. He also says ; I missed the brown smile of your eyes very often and this is an enallage.", I said.

"Did you notice that he just apostrophises the negative verbs like didn't but he writes out things like you are and you have , isn't that weird?" , Hotch noticed.

"Well, however, we know that they acquainted with each other or he at least thinks that they shared a relationship."

"I'll call Garcia", he took his phone out of his pocket, pushed a button and held it to his ear. He turned on to speaker when Garcia answered.

She yawned, "Oracle of Quantico. Speak if you deign to hear truth."

"Garcia? We need you to find out everything you can about Heather Jayce."

"But Sir, she's my friend and coworker, it doesn't feel right to nose around in her businesses."

Hotch brought a hand to his temple and looked meaner than ever, "Garcia, that was an order, not an offer, we can't risk her being dead just because you want her secrets to stay secret, you don't have to tell everyone everything , we just want to know what is relevant for finding her."

"Okay, boss.", I could hear the typing of her keyboard over the phone, "she got a lot of phone calls from phone booths in the last few months."

"That was probably her stalker. You can continue searching tomorrow, Garcia, we should all go to sleep now so that we can concentrate on finding Heather tomorrow."

"Alright, Captain."

A/N: hey hey hey :) how are you? &? What do you guys think? Who took Heather? And is she still alive?

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