v -the stupid basket-

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*Morgan's point of view*

I kicked the door open and drew my gun. I looked around and shouted "Clear!" After I heard Heather shout "Clear!", too.

This house smelled like sweaty socks and mould. I looked at the things that these guys had in their house, this place looked like a pigsty!

Jayce looked around for me and pointed to a seemingly locked door then.

I kicked that damn wooden door down, too and made my way down the steps, the wood creaking under every step I took, Heather following behind me.

I saw Reid laying there on the cold floor of the basement and ran over to him.

Blood was pouring out of his shoulder and his eyes were closed. I ripped off a piece of my shirt and held it to his wound in order to try and stop the bleeding.

"Agent Morgan!", I heard Jayce call and then I heard four gunshots.

As I turned around to see who had been shot, I saw the two Unsubs were down and Heather made her way over to Reid and me.

"He still has a pulse", I said after checking Reid's wrist for one.

"I need an ambulance, quick, an agent is down.", she called into her phone.

"Hey pretty boy, can you hear me? Stay awake, yeah? Open your eyes, yes like that, hey. Just keep your eyes open. Just don't shut your eyes again. Keep them open and look at me.", I ordered.

The ambulance arrived in under two minutes and they carried Reid into the ambulance on a stretcher.

"I insist on driving with him!" I said to the paramedics and they nodded.

"Heather call the others and tell them to meet me at the hospital.", I ordered and she nodded approvingly.

We drove off to the hospital where Reid was carried into surgery and I had to stay in the waiting room.

I was too nervous to sit down, so I walked around the waiting room, till I saw the team approaching.

"Where is Jayce?", asked Rossi.
I shrugged but Hotch then explained that Heather would come by in a few minutes.

When Jayce came, she carried a large get well basket with her as well as a jar full of cookies and Garcia gave her a funny look.

"What's that about?", asked Emily and Heather explained that the cookies were for us.

" I didn't know if I was supposed to come or not but then I decided that since I am now a part of your team I should come and do something to cheer you up. I just baked these cookies for you guys and I just wanted to say that even though I don't know all of you that well yet, I'm sure that you're all nice people, including Dr. Reid, that's why I got him this stupid basket. AND," she emphasised,

" I'm sure that everything will be good with Dr. Reid. Did you know that getting shot is only fatal 5 percent of the time when you get to a doctor in time? As long as your heart is still beating when they wheel you into the hospital, which was the case with Dr. Reid, as far as I've heard, there is still a 95% chance of survival. There was a man in North Carolina named Kenny Vaughan who was shot about 20 times with a riffle that was only 5 feet away and he survived so just eat your cookies and stop worrying. Please.", she demanded and gave us all a soft smile.

She then sat down on the opposite side of us, giving us a little space and reached for a book that was in her bag and started reading.

I finally decided that I should stop worrying that much, sat down, and ate a few of the delicious smelling chocolate chip cookies that Heather baked us. There were also white macadamia nut cookies that were delicious, too.

After half an hour passed, a doctor walked in and called out for the people who were waiting for Reid.

All of us got up and asked the doctor if Reid was okay. He nodded and told us that the surgery went well and that the bullet Reid had caught missed everything important and that he was in one of the rooms recovering now.

"You can visit him two at a time now, if you'd like.", the doctor said and went back to work.

Garcia and I were the first ones to go visit Reid, he smiled up at us and reassured us that everything was alright.

"Did you know,", Reid started but I cut him off. "Yeah, yeah we know all these facts about being shot now, 95% chance of survival bla bla, Vaughan was shot 20 times and survived and so on, Jayce told us.", I laughed and gave Garcia a knowing look.

Garcia chuckled as Reid asked what I was talking about, I just laughed and told him that he would get what I meant soon enough.

After Garcia and I, JJ and Emily and then Rossi and Hotch went in to see if Reid was being alright.

*Heather's point of view*

Even though I felt like part of the team now, I was feeling really out of place tonight.

I was so tired since I didn't catch any sleep these past nights and I was really nervous since I would meet Dr. Reid in a few minutes.

I didn't know why I was being nervous but I was also very nervous around the other team members. I just wanted them to like me and I wished that we would get along well.

I just thought that it would be pretty awkward having to go in there alone and giving him that stupid, lousybasket.

Why did I buy it anyway? He probably won't like it and he will probably think that I'm being obtrusive..

I got up when I saw that Hotch and Rossi made their way out of the room and said that they would call it a night now, too.

Everyone has left to go home now and there was just me left. I felt awkward.

I decided to just get it over with.

I grabbed that basket, that had books (JJ mentioned that Dr. Reid also always read a lot on the plane rides) and cookies, chocolate and other stuff in it.

I carefully knocked at the door and opened it when I heard Dr. Reid call "Come in."

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