xiii -local school bombings-

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The team made their way to the briefing room. There was a new case, and it was a local one.

"Today there have been three pipe bombs going off, they had been delivered in form of a package and exploded when all of the three of our victims removed the parcel twine.", Garcia began explaining as soon as she stepped a foot into the room.

"Where were the packages sent to, Garcia?", Prentiss asked Penelope who explained that it were three different school principals who received the bombs.

"The bombs were also provided with nails so that they would cause maximal damage and hurt as many people as possible.", she added, fiddling with her hair.

"But there were only the three school principals that died due to the bombs and one secretary that has severe injuries that are taken care of is currently at a hospital."

Spencer looked around the table, scanning the faces of the people that he was the closest to, being more than glad that they were still safe and sound.

"Well the Unsub obviously has it in for schools.", Rossi said.

"And it's fairly complicated to build pipe bombs, we should gather the leftover pieces and see if we can put the bombs back together so that we can see how they have been constructed.", Morgan suggested.

Jayce's phone rung and after she kept staring at the bright screen of her vibrating mobile phone, seemingly debating if she should accept or decline the call, furrowing her brows while doing so.

She excused herself and headed out of the room, deciding to take it. Reid's eyes followed her figure until she disappeared behind the door.

He asked himself who it could be, having a strange feeling about Heather's reaction towards the call, her whole posture and facial expression had changed when she looked at her phone.

"I think Derek is right, especially since the bombs were provided with nails. I guess that we can find out where the different elements were bought from and trace back who purchased them.", Garcia said, what caused Reid to snap back to reality.

"Great idea. Let's get going. Jayce and I will go to the first, Reid and JJ to the second, Prentiss, Rossi to the third school, and afterwards to the hospital to see how the secretary is doing and if she can tell us anything about what happened. Morgan, I need you to look at the bomb elements and send Garcia images. And Garcia?", Hotch turned around so that he faced Garcia, "try to find out everything about the schools, who attends them, who works there and what the victims have in common except for leading the schools."

"Alright Hotch.", Garcia said and went for the door, making a clicking noise with her high shoes.

The team members split up and made their way to where they were supposed to go to now.

Hotch found Jayce in front of the elevator, waiting for the others.

She looked shook up, fiddled with her hands and worriedly bit down on her bottom lip.

"Are you alright, Jayce?", Hotch asked her and she just nodded, signalling that it was nothing.

How could Heather tell anyone about this?

She felt like she couldn't tell them, fearing that she would endanger her team if she was to initiate them into this.

She had been plagued by annoying phone calls lately, by sleepless nights and another letter in her small house, in which she no longer felt safe.

If she could just tell Spencer, she thought but then shook her head.

She couldn't.

Hotch told her about them going to the school were the first bomb had been delivered to and Heather did her best to concentrate on this case and to neglect her worries.

The time seemed to fly by and they found themselves getting out of the car, into the school and back to the FBI building.

They didn't really find out anything at the school, but they could picture the massive detonation better now.

Hotch questioned why Jayce was being so silent but didn't want to ask her since he could notice that she didn't really want to talk about it.

Both of them got into the bullpen and asked the others about what they had found out.

The secretary said that the package was left in front of the school and she took it to the principal since it was addressed for him.

She saw nobody having delivered the package and according to her it was way before the students had made their way to the school.

Morgan and Garcia found out a lot about the bomb.

Now they knew that the Unsub had to have the necessary tools to build such a bomb. They traced back the shrapnels to a local shop as well as the charge.

They made their way to the shop and questioned the owner if there was someone in his shop who bought a certain amount of these objects and he actually showed them a list that showed who bought what in the last three months.

There was one person that fitted the profile and who bought the exact same shrapnels and charge, his name was Neil Chample.

The team got on their way and arrested him. They found two more bombs in his house and called a team that could defuse them.

When they were back at the FBI building, Reid got over to Jayce's side and asked her if she was alright.

Heather hesitantly nodded and gave him a shy smile.

Spencer asked her if she wanted to come and grab some Chinese food with the others since they were finished with work and pretty hungry by now.

"I'm sorry Spencer, I'm really tired and I think that I should call it a night now. But I'll definitely come next time.", she explained and looked around if anyone was around looking at them, which wasn't the case. They had went up to the bullpen already.

She got near to him and gave him a quick kiss, "enjoy your meal."

Spencer chuckled and wished her a good night, giving her a final kiss and then going up the elevator so that he could meet up with the others.

Heather got into her car, finding a piece of paper stuck onto her steering-wheel.

It was empty and she threw it out her window, looking around to see if anyone was watching her.

She started the car and got home, locking all of her doors. She checked if every window was closed and tightly closed the curtains.

On her way to the bedroom, she grabbed her gun and lay down putting the gun under her pillow after changing her clothes.

She hid her face with the blanket, fully covering herself, hiding from whoever was stalking her.

Her eyelids closed and she quickly fell asleep, having been really tired and stressed out.

However when she reopened them, she didn't find herself in her bed.

However when she reopened them, she didn't find herself in her bed

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