viii -ghoete-

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* Heather's point of view *

Two weeks passed before we got another case.

I had to hurry to catch the elevator that was close to shut its doors but I was glad when Spencer pushed a button so that it would stay open and I could ride with him.

"Hi.", I said, panting, "and thank you."

He smiled at me and said that it was no problem. Then the elevator 'dinged' which told us that we reached our floor.

We made our way over to the coffee machine and Spencer handed me the first one, as he poured himself a coffee I filled a little bit of milk in mine. I waited till he poured his usual amount of sugar in it and then we went into the briefing room together and sat next to each other.

"Hey pals, today you're flying out to the lone star state, also known as Texas. A prostitute was found in a dumpster a few days ago and the M.E report says that she had been smothered before she got disposed. There was a cold case that we had received a long while back but didn't get to work on since we were occupied with another case at that time and then our killer went dormant. But as you can see here," she motioned her hands towards the projection of the victims that were all left in a dumpster, "he is back now. He also writes something on each victim in-"

"In German.", I interrupted.

Garcia nodded, "but I have no idea what it means.", the pictures of the victims at the dump sites switched to zoomed in photos of the German writing.

Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"These are different parts of a poem called 'Gefunden' by Goethe.", I said, recognising the poem and tried to translate it,

"I walked the woodland,
A lonesome man.
To look for nothing-
That was my plan.

I saw a flower
Deep in the plants:
It gleamed like starlight,
Glowed like a glance.

I reached to pluck it
When it's dear lilt
Said: Would you snap me
To see me wilt?

So up I dug it
With roots and all
And brought it home to
The garden wall.

Once more I lay it
Half in the shade
To see it blossom
And never fade!

...In the second stanza the feeling of harmony and peace goes over to ecstasy, excitement and admiration. The fascination that the lyrical self displays towards the flower rather reminds of an alternative object, a woman maybe? In the third stanza this thought seems to explain itself due to the persona wanting to break the flower and taking it with himself. The flower begins to speak and the rhetoric question implies that the flower doesn't want to be broken, the woman doesn't want her heart to break. The word 'wilt' is a symbol for deep sorrow and death. After that the lyrical self takes the plant with everything that it needs and replanted it in his garden, he lets himself into a relationship with the woman. The aim was to maintain the indescribable beauty of this flower."

"Maybe he kills them in order for them to not alter anymore since he considers them as perfect or extremely beautiful as they are in that moment where he decides to kill them.", Prentiss said, everyone nodded in approval.

"I think this builds a stark contrast, he writes poetry on their bodies but then kills and dumps them in litter. The poem describes them as absolutely fascinating but he shows his opinion on the women by throwing them in the dumpster.", Rossi remarked.

"You're right, Rossi. But let's consider the fact that the Unsub deprived the victims of oxygen, he somehow prevented them from breathing. The act of suffocating someone is very intimate, just imagine, he experiences how the respiration slows down and how they take their last breaths, making sure that he's the last thing they see before they demise. And on the pictures you can see that there's a satin pillow under everyone of the victims heads, I bet he asphyxiated them with the cushion.", Spencer added.

"He also took time to neatly write every single letter on the victims bodies, he didn't just leave a note or sprayed it on the wall.", Morgan said.

JJ continued, "but in the process of doing so, he didn't harm their bodies the slightest bit, treating them like a delicate flower."

"We're leaving in a few minutes, go and grab your bags.", Hotch ordered.

Everyone hurried to get their go bags and we then met in the jet.

Spencer and I sat beside each other and talked about the Weimar classicism. I caught him staring at me a few times then and couldn't help but blush.

"What is it?", I asked concerned,"do I have something between my teeth?", I turned to Morgan who sat opposite me and flashed him my teeth, he bursted out in laughter then. I pushed up my glasses, checking if they sat too low on my nose.

"That's in no way funny!", I exclaimed, playfully hitting Morgan on his arm before I excused myself, getting up.

* Spencer's point of view *

Heather excused herself and stood up, in order to look if she had something between her teeth.

The truth was that she hadn't, when she asked me why I kept staring at her I had blushed beet red. And Morgan laughed because he knew that I liked her and found it funny that she noticed me staring at her, was I being so obvious?

After our first day working together he had already asked me about if I happened to find her pretty and I turned redder than a tomato.

I was quite fond of her. I guess that I liked her very much, she was the only one who wasn't annoyed when I shared facts- she even did so herself, she laughed at my horrible jokes and she got what I talked about.

The ringing of Morgan's phone finally got him to stop laughing at me and that was when Heather came back. She gave me a funny look which made me smile and sat back down to my left.

Morgan put Garcia on speaker.

"We have a new victim guys.", she said, not sounding like her chirpy self, "pictures are already sent to your tablets."

"Thanks, Baby Girl.", Morgan said and hung up. He pulled out his tablet and showed us the photos.

"He distanced himself from the act, you see? He left a note this time. But it's not a poem, well, it is a poem but he wrote it himself this time.", Heather said.

"Are you sure?", Morgan questioned.

"It is poorly written with no use of unusual literary devices.",she nodded and told us what he had written.

a/n : hello :) I would totally appreciate if you left me a comment in which you could tell me how you find the story so far so that I know if I should continue writing it or not. Thank you!

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