xi -twins and the second letter-

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* Morgan's point of view *

All of us were already at the police department, just waiting for the two lovebirds to finally make their way here, too.

I knew that Reid liked Jayce from the beginning on and I'm more than glad to find out now that she obviously likes him, too.

I've noticed that she's been stealing glances of him all the time after Spencer told me about them kissing.

When I went to get myself a cup of coffee I spotted them, coming in through the door, hands intertwined.

I didn't think that I would ever experience the day Spencer would actually hold someone's hand one day since he always keeps saying that "the average handshake spreads 124 million colony forming units of E.coli and it usually only lasts for three seconds", see, he says it so much that I can already recite it by heart.

However, right when they saw me smirking at them after stepping some steps forward, they let go of each others hands and blushed, trying to not look at me or each other which resulted in Heather nearly tripping over her own feet.

I wasn't able to swipe the grin off of my face so I just continued to wear it, shaking my head to the way of the room the NYPD had given us to settle in for the time we would need until we solved the case.

As soon as I got into the room, both Spencer and Heather behind me, a local police man informed us that there was a new body found.

We decided to drive to the crime scene together, Harvey Goodwill, 51, was our newest victim.

We got into his bedroom and immediately saw that there had been a fight.

He had sedated his prior victims somehow or they were sleeping, either way they hadn't noticed the attacker before.

But this crime scene was different, Mr. Goodwill had several defensive wounds on his arms. There definitely had been way too much blood, not as much as at the third crime scene but close to that amount.

One of the police officers broke me out of my stream of thoughts, "Sir we found several fingerprints and are sending them to your technical analyst now."

I thanked the police officer and told the others, after investigating the scene further, then I got a call from Garcia.

"Watcha got, momma?", I asked her.

"I got a match on those fingerprints you sent me, not all of them are from the victim, which means I have the Unsubs name. It is, drum roll please, Myron Ellery Winston." , She told me.

"You're the best Baby Girl. Got an address for me?"

She gave me an address and we got there as soon as possible.


We knocked at the door, "Myron Winston, open the door, we're with the FBI.", I shouted but got no answer.

I was just about to kick the door open when I spotted someone running out of the back door, Hotch and I instantly began to run where as the others took a look inside the house.

I jumped onto him, throwing him down onto the concrete and handcuffing him.

We drove back to the police department and took him into questioning, he claimed that he was innocent and knew nothing about the murders.

He even begged us to do a lie detector test, so we did. And it turned out that he had said the truth.

*Heather's point of view*

I went into the room in order to question Myron Winston once again.

There had been a short discussion as to who should do the questioning since the Unsub must have quite a disliking towards men, I suggested Emily and JJ should do it together since they have amazing strategies and they did the first questioning, but Hotch insisted on me doing it, he said he trusted me with this.

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