xv -an additional victim-

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*Spencer's point of view*

When we reached the cars, we explored the surroundings and saw that both of them were left behind in abandoned areas.

The Unsub must know his way around in Florida.

There was no blood in the cars which meant that the place they were found was not the scene of crime.

Morgan called Garcia and asked her if the cars the victims were found in were their own.

She said that this wasn't the case, it were cars that belonged to a car shop. They were left behind at Edmund's car shopping by their former owners.

We went back to the local police department to tell the others what we found out so that we could complete our profile.

"So, does the Unsub work for Edmund's car shopping or did he buy the cars?", JJ asked.

"I'd think that he must work there so that he could get access to the cars and his name wasn't mentioned on any piece of paper.", Morgan said.

"But wouldn't his boss notice that four cars have been purloined?", I questioned.

"Not if he's the boss.", Aaron stated and so we drove to the car seller.

When we got there, we looked into some of the cars outside before going into the little shop where all the paperwork must be taken care of.

Hotch, Emily and me went in to talk to the boss, Mr. Greenwich, and the others stayed outside, continuing to peek through the glass windows of the cars.

"Hello Mr. Greenwich, my name is Aaron Hotchner this is SSA Prentiss and Dr Reid, we're with the FBI. We would like to ask you some questions regarding a case that we're currently working on."

"Go ahead.", he said and smiled. He looked like a very strong man, his arms were really muscular, which would explain how he was able to put the dead victims into one of these cars.

He looked quite young still, around thirty, like the victims.

I couldn't believe that this was his business, he looked more like a guy that would visit the gym from dust till dawn, not go to work.

"You are the owner of this shop, is that correct, Mr. Greenwich?"

"Yes, my daddy is no longer able to work so he bequeathed the shop to me."

We asked him other questions then, if anyone worked for him or if he worked alone, if he had noticed cars missing lately.

At that particular question he hesitated to answer.

"Mr. Greenwich, please answer my question, have you noticed any cars missing over the past few weeks?", Hotch posed the question again, and Mr. Greenwich just blinked a few times before managing to say no, he hadn't noticed.

He looked at the door, that Rossi was about to open, making a ringing noise resonate when he did.

He tried to signal Emily and me that we should get behind the Unsub. So we slowly did, hoping that he wouldn't notice, his gaze was still fixated on Rossi.

I heard David say, "We found parts of a victim in several cars outside, probably the first ever victim, judging by the decay."

Emily scrunched up her nose, and extended her arms, since we noticed that Mr. Greenwich wanted to run out of the backdoor.

"Hey, stop!", Emily shouted.

I stepped behind him, pulling out my gun, and pointed it at him, making him stop immediately.

He was slower than I had thought, he had looked like a good runner, but of all people I outran him.

Prentiss came up behind him and handcuffed him. "Mr. Greenwich, you're arrested, I'm reading out your rights now..", Emily said as I stepped out with both of them, to open the door for her.

I opened the car door and she pushed him inside. We then drove to the local PD and handed Mr. Greenwich over.


Sitting at the back of the jet on our way home, I couldn't take in one single word that I read. My thoughts kept drifting towards Heather.

She's so important to me. I just hope that she is doing okay.

I'm so worried about her, somehow. Something in my guts is telling me that she's endangered.

When we reached the FBI bullpen, Garcia was awaiting us and asking if we wanted to go out to eat something together.

"Oh and, Genius?", she added, turning to face me.

"Huh?", I asked, puzzled, having been lost in my own thoughts.

"Someone left a letter for you.", Penelope reached her hand out to me, a white envelope in her hand.

Spencer Reid was written on the envelope, nothing else.

The others looked at me while I was getting the single piece of paper out and read for myself.

I have her, like you had her. -r

I read it a few more times, to make sure that the piece of paper really said that, I turned it around but there was nothing else written in the letter.

Heather is in danger. I felt sick.

The team just looked at me, and then I found my voice and read it aloud, frightening everybody.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, this was just kind of a filler, so my dearest apologies that this is so bad.

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