ix -clubbing-

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* Heather's point of view *

We didn't need that much time to find the Unsub.

After we had visited the dumping site where the Unsub had left the last victim behind and subsequently observing the note that he had left us, Spencer successfully produced a geographic profile and we asked Garcia about males who had a German background and lived in that area. The Unsubs name was Peter Schröder and he was plagued by a dissociative personality disorder.

When we got back to the FBI building, Penelope was already awaiting us happily, suggesting that we should go clubbing since it was not that late yet and a Friday night.

Usually I wouldn't even consider accepting such a suggestion but I thought that it was a great opportunity to bond a bit better with the team since I was still the newbie, and I didn't have anything better to do, so I spontaneously and gladly accepted the invitation.

Hotch declined politely since he had no one to look after Jack, and Rossi said that he had to work on his new book since his publisher would be enraged if he didn't send the draft to him in a few days, but everyone else was willing to go.

We agreed that we would meet each other in a little over an hour in front of a club that the other guys had went to some times before already.

I drove home, took off my coat and got out of my shoes. I put down my bag and decided to get ready.

After taking a quick shower, I rummaged through my closet for something wearable.

I didn't want to be under- nor overdressed, but I confess, somehow I wanted to impress Spencer, feeling all tingly and teenager-like when he looked at me occasionally.

I found a simple black dress and ended up wearing it, I curled my hair and added a tiny bit of make up on my face.

When I was finally finished with getting ready I excitedly fished out my phone and called Garcia to ask her what she decided on wearing for tonight.

When I was finally finished with getting ready I excitedly fished out my phone and called Garcia to ask her what she decided on wearing for tonight

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* Spencer's point of view *

I had changed into a pair of black pants and a simple white T-shirt carrying a black jacket with me also, wanting to appear casual.

I was the first one who arrived at the club and looked down at my grey converse until the others joined me one by one.

Heather was the second one to arrive and when I saw her, my jaw nearly dropped open.

I had to restrain from saying something, trying to be cool and appear attractive and mostly from kissing her in that very moment.

She had on a black dress, that she tried to adjust and pull down a bit, obviously not feeling that comfortable. I couldn't see why though, she looked absolutely breathtaking.

She really wore her hair good in brown curls, it suited her very well. I tried to control myself and stop checking her out because she probably thought that I was a creep by now. But I would love to be able to feel her curves with the palms of my hands.

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