xxvii -fiend-

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*Heather's point of view*

After a tense car ride home that Spencer desperately tried to diffuse in asking what was wrong, I could finally storm into our house where I wanted to confront him and tell him what had me so angry.

He ran after me, "Damn Heather, what is your problem?"

"What my problem is? You contacted my father?! Why would you do this to me?", I shouted, enraged, "and why wouldn't you ask me about this first? I thought-,.. You shattered us being happy together, Spencer. Honestly, I thought you loved me."

"I love you, Heather.", He said as He unzipped his pants and roughly gripped my neck. The monster then said, "you have to smile for the camera", as He ripped my shirt open.

He never loved me.

"Let me explain Heather.", Spencer pleaded after he had brought a hand to the bridge of his nose in thought.

"I'm sorry Spencer but I fear I don't even want to hear it.", I said, tears welled up in my eyes but I didn't want to cry, not now, not again. I was sick of being weak, especially in front of him.

I went to turn away from him, making my way upstairs when he gripped my wrists and forcefully pulled me back.

"Heather, you need to understand that this is my house and these are my rules.", my father slurred, gripping me by my wrists and pulling me into my room. "Do you understand?", He screamed, since i hadn't answered him, the smell of heavy alcohol filled my nostrils. He then slapped me across the face, hard before taking his belt off to punish me with it.

Spencer came closer to me, not letting go of my wrist. "Let me explain.", he demanded and I flinched. He dismissed it but I tried to get out of his firm grip.

"I couldn't tell you because I feared that I would lose you again, Heather. I wanted to see where your father was and if he still held contact to his old friends, including Rowland, so that I could protect you. I called him to make sure you were safe. In order to keep my promise."

"Are you out of your mind?", I asked, not being able to hold the tears back anymore, still trying to wriggle my hand out.

He took his other hand to wipe my tears away, "stop touching me.", I cried before he could do as he wanted.

Something in his eyes changed and I stormed upstairs, Spencer following me.

I got into our, his, bedroom, and threw a random bag onto the bed, tearing the closet open.

"Where are you going?", he asked, his voice was oddly calm now.

"Let me worry about that."

"Are you going to that Andy guy?"

I turned around, looking him in the eyes with a look of disgust on my face.

"Andy?! Andy from my group therapy sessions? Are you serious, Spencer? Do you really think I would turn to him? Are you really accusing me of cheating on you right now?", I was appalled, throwing random clothing items into my bag.

"Heather-", he tried.

"I can't hear it anymore, Spencer. I'm sorry, okay? I really am sorry."

"Please listen to me!", Spencer demanded.

"Listen to me you little bitch!", the demon shouted., "you're mine and only mine, you hear that?", i weakly tried to nod, not wanting to enrage him further, as He carved an 'R' into my side with a sharp knife, devilish laughter leaving his lips.

"You remind me of them.", I whispered and cried even harder, taking my bag in order to just leave, go away from here.

"Heather-", Spencer tried, also tearing up now, extending an arm to touch me again.

"Don't.", I warned, before running down the stairs and slamming the door shut.


I had driven around in my car for over an hour, trying to figure out where I could go.

It was quite late by now and I decided that I had to stop driving around since I was low on gas.

I was closest to Emily's house so I parked next to her car, getting out and ringing her doorbell, crossing my fingers that she was still awake.

Right when I turned to leave again, a yawning Emily opened the door, in her pyjamas, a cat in her arms.

"Heather? What are you doing here at this ungodly hour?", she asked, surprised to see me.

"Uh- I'm sorry Emily. Look, I, I didn't know what to do, I- .", I stuttered pathetically, biting my bottom lip.

"Do you want to come in first?", she asked and I nodded.

We sat down on her couch and I told her that Spencer and I had a fight. I asked her to not tell him that I was here and she promised that she wouldn't.

When she asked me about what it was, I closed my eyes for a moment, debating on whether or not I should tell her since it was a long story.

She shook it off, "come on, you must be tired, I'll show you the guest room."

I followed her and she took me into a small room, "if you need anything. Don't hesitate to ask me, okay?"

She turned to hug me but I winced, "I'm sorry Emily, I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I can't touch you right now. I appreciate it though, I'm sorry, I- everything is just flashing through my mind again right now.", I tried to explain and Emily now looked at me with pity.

I didn't know how I could explain that every fingertip on my skin burned holes into it and opened every healed cut? It hurts like hell. They could never understand fully but I was glad that Emily let it be for now.

"Goodnight Heather.", she said and closed the door behind her.

"Goodnight Emily.", I said, facing the closed door.

I went to lay in the bed after I changed into my nightclothes but when I was about to another flashback hit me.

I hid my face under my blanket, feeling saver that way and letting myself drift off.

I was alarmed when I heard a sound and wanted to grab my gun.

"Are you searching this?", an evil voice spoke, playing with my gun.

Shock took over me and I didn't know what to say or what to do next, I wanted to get up to search for something to defend myself with but right when I tried, He pointed the gun at me and i discovered that this wasn't even my bedroom.

Deciding to stay away from the bed, I sat on the cold floor, leaning my back against the wall, staying up the whole night, haunted by everything I so badly had wished to forget.

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