xxiii -home-

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**A/N: I'm on a spree and its 1:30 am?!! This is an extra long chapter yo. I already planned out the whole story and a plot and everything so, if everything works out alright, there will be 33 chapters in total including a sequel - k bye babes hope you have a lovely day and enjoy reading ily

* Spencer's point of view*

*one and a half months later* {say that in that spongebob dude's voice haha} (& oh no I didn't take any drugs in case you're wondering- I'm just tired, tired, tired but can't sleep and was eating my fav ice cream (yes in the middle of the night- ice cream is life man) and listening to superb music whilst writing this ** sorry please carry on reading and ignore me being hyper and weird thank you)


Another long day at work had passed and I was glad to finally go back to my apartment again.

Heather's wounds have now nearly disappeared completely, the major one's have scarred. She is recovering well, even though she's still not over the happenings. She's still in therapy and didn't get the psychological report yet, she also wasn't ready to talk about what happened yet.

I opened the door to my apartment, kicked off my shoes, removing my coat, hanging it on its hook, and put my keys in the key holder.

I was able to smell something delicious being made.

When I tiptoed into the kitchen I saw Heather standing there with her back to me, frying something in a pan.

I threw my hands around her back, hugging her from behind, and kissed her neck.

"Happy. Birthday. baby.", I said in between kisses and she turned around in order to kiss me on the lips. Heather didn't like her birthdays but I arranged something nevertheless.

"Thank you for the lovely breakfast Spencer.", she said.

"No problem. You had brought me breakfast on my birthday, too, remember? But I also planned to cook for you later today, only to find you already doing something.", I tickled her, grinning myself.

She laughed, playfully slapping me so that I would stop tickling her, "I was bored."

"Do you need help?", I asked.

"Yeah, I could actually use some help. Could you please give me that colander?" , she asked and pointed to a cabinet.

I gave it to her and she emptied a pot in it, to reveal hot noodles.

"Thank you, Spencer.", she smiled and bit her lip, "and now you can sit down at the table, I'm coming in a minute."

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before going to sit at the table that was already set. I took a lighter, turned a candle on and put it on the table.

Heather came in, two plates in her hand that she placed on both sides of the table and then she sat down.

We ate together and I told her about the local case we worked on today.

"And guess what Morgan did?", I chuckled, sure that she knew because Derek did this like every time there's a door.

"He kicked the door in." She chuckled.

"I think he really enjoys doing that. He laughed at my attempt and then did it himself. It must be quite fun. Why don't I get a chance at kicking a door in?", I pouted.

Heather 'awed', "my poor Spencie.", before she got up to take the plates and do the dishes. I got up, too.

"I'll clear the table and wash the dishes and you'll get dressed, okay baby?"

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