xiv -alarmed-

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* Spencer's point of view*

I felt bad about having left Heather to go home alone the other night. I had called her a few times since, but she didn't respond, so I decided to pay her a quick visit.

I got out of my car and walked up to the door, seeing that it was left open the tiniest bit. I carefully and slowly gave it a push, so that it would open.

When I got into Heather's bright corridor, I saw that everything was clean and in place, her keys were positioned on top of her shoe rack, all of her coats were hung up on their hooks.

"Heather!", I called, hoping that she was home. There was nothing but a cold quiet that greeted me.

"Heather are you home?", Once again not having received any kind of an answer, a shiver went down my spine.

I carefully went through all the rooms, looking for her but not finding her anywhere.

Right when I was about to go anyways, I got a text message saying that we got a new case.

I left then, taking the keys and closing the door this time, making my way to the FBI bullpen.

When I reached the conference room, not everyone was there yet. Hotch, Prentiss and Heather were still missing.

"You look tired pretty boy.", Morgan greeted me, to which I responded just by sipping my coffee and pulling up my left eyebrow.

"Did you do naughty things last night?", he chuckled.

JJ and Rossi laughed at that and I just shook my head.

"Where are the others?", David asked.

"Well, I've seen Emily and Hotch outside but I haven't seen Heather yet.", JJ pointed out, drumming her fingers on her black pants.

"You know,", I begun, "I was just at her home, to look for her, and I tried to explain to myself why the door was slightly open and everything was so perfectly clean but can't come to a conclusion. I'm really worried, you know. I don't want anything happening to her."

"You really like her, huh?", Rossi asked, wiggling with his eyebrows like, looking a little bit like Morgan while doing so.

"Look, Spence, it's totally normal, after what happened to Maeve, to be worried, but I assure you that Heather is okay. I'm pretty sure that she'll show up.", JJ tried to comfort me.

"Yeah, Spencer, JJ's probably right.", Morgan also tried to make me feel better and Rossi also joined in, nodding.

And right then Prentiss walked in, followed by Hotch.

"Everything alright?", Prentiss questioned, scanning our faces, "where's Heather?"

The others just shrugged their shoulders but Hotch said, that he got a letter that explained why she was unable to come.

I decided to say nothing more, being glad that at least one of us had gotten a sign of her life.

Hotch nodded towards Penelope mentioning that she was now able to present the new case.

"Florida. There were four women found in several cars. It all started two days ago, with one victim, the day after with another one and today there were already two victims found. The women have deep cuts on their private parts and on their faces but they weren't the cause of death, they were killed by electricity. All of the four also have several burn marks- probably of where the Unsub treated them with electricity and they were raped. They were left behind without any clothing items."

"Sexual sadist.", Morgan said, and Prentiss nodded, explaining that one could easily tell by the cuts and use of electricity as well as the rape.

"Victims are Clarissa Donnawan, Glenda Friedrichs, Danielle Isabelli and Stephanie Hendriks, all around the beginning of thirty years old and brunette.", Garcia replenished, making different pictures show up.

"The women stand for someone, maybe someone who broke the Unsubs heart, either a family member, most likely his mother figure, or a lost love.", I mumbled while scanning the file.

"I think so, too, since all of them look quite similar and are about the same age.", Emily added, looking at me.

"He may have took the clothing so that it would serve as a souvenir or because he thought that it was safer due to possible pieces of evidence.", JJ said.

"Wheels up in thirty.", Hotch announced which led to us getting our bags.


* Aaron's point of view *

When we reached the local police department, there was already someone expecting us.

"Welcome, you must be Agent Hotchner.", a bald man said, extending his hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand and nodded, "this is Rossi, Jareau, Prentiss, Morgan and Reid."

"I'm Detective Brad Kinder. Follow me.", he lead us to a vacant room and told us further details of the case so that we could start working.

"Alright. Reid, Morgan you two go to the places where the first and the second victim were found, Rossi and Prentiss you two go to the places where the third and fourth victim were found, JJ and I handle the media and talk to family members.", I said.

"Hotch? may I talk to you privately first?", Morgan asked as the others left the room one after one.
I nodded.

* Derek's point of view*

"So, you got a letter from Heather?", I asked Hotch, feeling weird about this situation. I didn't want Reid to worry but I was worrying about her myself. The team's my family.

"Look, Derek, I wondered why she would type out a letter, too. But I'm sure that if anything happened to her, she would have most certainly had informed us somehow or had left a sign. Jayce is smart. And if anything happened to her, we would be the first to know."

"Ok.", I said. Praying that Hotch spoke the truth. He was probably right. She was probably alright.

We got out of the room and I walked up to the car in which Reid was already waiting for me, sitting in the drivers seat.

"So you're driving, Doc, huh?", I laughed, getting into the passenger seat, "better fasten my seatbelt then!" ,I joked.

"Ah, Morgan, how funny.", he shook his head, " I drive way better than you do and you know it, too."

"Not even in your dreams, kid," I laughed and tried to pretend that I was being very serious now, looking at him, "Have you and Heather already done the dirty together? "

I couldn't help myself and broke out into laughter as he blushed beet red and shook his head no once again, more frantically this time, removing one of his arms from the steering wheel and trying to slap me.

"Hey, hey, please concentrate on driving, I don't want you killing both of us with your poor driving skills!"

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