vi -working with you-

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* Spencer's point of view *

"Come in!", I called as I heard someone knocking on the door to my room in the hospital.

I already had an assumption as to who it could be since all of my team mates mentioned a new name.

'Jayce' sounded very nice from what I've heard but it wasn't much information that I had gathered on her.

Morgan mentioned the few facts that she had shared with them and gave Garcia a look, that I still question, JJ and Emily said that they found someone that reads as fast as I do and Hotch and Rossi just said that there was a new agent.

I think that I actually caught a quick glimpse of her when Morgan found me in that basement and I also heard an unknown voice calling for an ambulance, that must have been her.

The door opened and I saw a girl that was probably in her mid 20s, with wavy brown hair, caramel eyes and a big basket in her hand.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Dr. Heather Jayce, but you can call me Heather if you'd like. You must be Dr. Reid. I've been told a lot about you.", she stood next to my bed now and took a seat on the wooden chair that was placed there.

She gave me a warm smile and arranged her cute glasses that sat too low on the bridge of her nose.

"Are you feeling fine?", she asked, motioning to my shoulder.

When I finally managed to speak up I said, "Yes, thank you for asking. And please call me Spencer, it's fine with me and uh.. It is nice to meet you, by the way, the others mentioned you a few times."

"Did they?", she asked surprised and chuckled then, "I brought you this basket.", she said, I took it and thanked her, placing it on the bedside table.

It was silent for a few minutes then and there was an awkward tension in the air, I didn't know what to say.

"So you hold a PHD, too?", she asked, and cleared her throat, desperately trying to make a bit conversation.

I nodded and propped myself up then, "I actually have three PhDs one in mathematics, one in chemistry and the other one in engineering and two BAs, one in psychology and one in sociology."

She looked impressed but didn't say anything, so I asked, "What about you?"

She gave me a smile once again and said that she had two PhDs, one in psychology and one in criminology and criminal justice as well as two BAs, one in sociology and one in literary studies.

I was quite surprised, I didn't meet people like her that often. She was smart and seemed genuinely kind.

I smiled at her and we continued to make a bit of conversation, we laughed and told each other corny jokes and later on she told me about the case I missed in Seattle.

"Okay, Spencer", she said and slowly got up, "I think that I should let you rest now, it's already quite late. It was very nice meeting you and I hope that you get well soon. I look forward to working with you."

"Thank you for coming by and visiting me, oh and thank you for that lovely basket. Goodnight, Heather."

"Goodnight, Spencer.", she said and left the room. She looked like she suppressed a yawn and I just then noticed that she looked really tired, she had dark bags under her eyes but she was pretty, no, absolutely beautiful anyway.

I sat down in my hospital bed again, craving some sleep.

I looked at that basket once again and opened it, it was full of chocolate and cookies and there were two books in it, too.

I smiled and then turned the lights off to finally get some rest.

I wish that I could tell my healing system to hurry up because I really wanted to work with Heather, too, and get to know her better.


Since my injury wasn't that bad, -there was no internal damage, I was allowed to go home after three days, my doctor told me that I could change the dressing on my own now and gave me some instructions as to cleaning and so on and I listened, even though this wasn't the first time that I had been shot.

I spent another day at my apartment, since Hotch insisted that I take a day off after being in the hospital and then I was allowed to finally return to the BAU.


I opened the glass door after I got out of the elevator and took a seat at my desk.

"Heeeeey Genius, back at work, eh? Come on into the conference room, we have a new case.", Derek passed me just minutes after I had sat down. I got up again and went with him.

Everyone else was already there, smiling up at me and telling me that they were glad I recovered well.

I took my regular seat and smiled when I saw Heather sitting to my left.

"Hi.", I said.
"Hi!", she smiled.

"I loved the books.", I told her, "thank once again."

"Your welcome", she told me and then Garcia came inside the room.

Heather picked up her case file, a frown upon her face.

"Hello my furry friends, there were seven bodies found in the Mojave Desert today. All of the seven boys that were found had been missing for at least two years, they were all executed with a shot through their head. Each of them had an item of clothing laying in front of them in which they were last seen in.", Garcia pushed another button on her remote and there was now an image of the crime scene displayed.

"All of the kids had just had a mother, the fathers were either in prison, dead or the kids didn't even know they existed. The victims were executed in an order, at first the oldest victim, James Pitt, who was 17 years old, and at last the youngest victim, Johnny Hendric, who was 11 years old." , she added.

"The Mojave Desert comprises around 35.000 square kilometres at the area of the states California, Utah, Nevada and Arizona.", I spoke up.

"Each of the victims was abducted when they were 9 and all of their names start with a 'J', they all come from families that had little money and they all come from all of the states Dr. Reid just mentioned, except for the fourth victim, 14-year-old Jared Keran, he was from Oregon", Heather mumbled, still flicking through the file.

"Wheels up in thirty.", Hotch said.

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