xx -hospital-

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"Hotch calls Spencer now. He wants to tell him about Heather and then they'll meet us at the hospital.", Morgan said.

The ambulance came and placed Heather, who was now covered with everything the three agents could've taken off without ending up exposed, jackets and all, onto a stretcher and wrapping her up in blankets and putting a woolly hat on top of her head.

"Alright. I'll drive with Heather.", Emily said.

"Is it okay if I come, too?", JJ asked both Emily and Morgan and they nodded.

The paramedics kept performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation while they were transported to the hospital, the sirens so loud that they reached the destination quickly.

When they got there the paramedics were out in a hurry and there were doctors joining them as they moved to a room.

"Sorry but you have to wait outside from now on.", Emily and JJ were told.

They nodded and went to wait for the rest.

* Spencer's point of view *

"Spencer?", Hotch wanted to speak to me while Rossi was in questioning. We were still in Garcia's office.

"We found Heather.", he continued and I felt my chest getting warm, my heart pumping faster and my stomach flutter.

"Oh my, is she? Is she alright? Where did you find her? Where is she?", I got out, pushing someone to answer my questions. I needed to know.

"In the hospital.", Garcia said not responding to everything I asked.

"Okay, let's go!", I demanded and that was when Rossi came out.

He didn't say anything about how it went, probably because I was there but at the moment I honestly couldn't care less.

I needed to see Heather.


As we stood in front of the hospital after getting out of the car, I took on running leaving the others behind.

Behind the reception sat several nurses and I asked one of them if they could bring me to Heather Jayce.

"Sir, I'm afraid we can't do that. I'm sorry but you'll have to go to the waiting room."

I nodded and went there seeing JJ, Morgan and Emily as well as Rossi, Hotch and Garcia who just joined them. I wondered how they got here before me.

"Hey.", I spoke, the corners of my mouth falling downwards which led to me getting several pats on the back.

"Is this the room she is in?", I asked pointing to one that I could perfectly see.

"Yes, how do you know?", Morgan asked and I shrugged my shoulder.

"It was just an assumption."

Since the waiting room began clearing out, we took seats. I kept staring at that room, wondering what happened in there.

The door opened when one of the doctors came out and I rushed over to her.

"Hello, my name's Spencer Reid. How is she doing?"

"The CPR that was performed when they drove here didn't seem to work, she remained lifeless. We don't know how long she's been down in the water."

Right after she had answered, there came another doctor who looked out of the room and said, "Doctor Burme, the patient flatlines."

"Okay.", she went in, the door didn't close behind them yet and I could see her laying there lifeless and pale with blue lips.

"I need to start a central line. she's in bad shape.", another doctor said.

"She's hypothermic."

The door closed again and I sat down right there in the hallway against the opposite wall to the trauma room.

I was distraught sitting there on the floor, and tears began welling up in my eyes once again.

Morgan walked up to me and sat down beside me, he laid a comforting hand on my arm.

A nurse came to walk into the room and the voices of the people fighting to get Heather back became louder once again.

"What's her temperature?"

"It's just up to 81."

A nurse saw us sitting there and came out.
"Heather was completely under water for quite some time and during that time she most likely inhaled some water into her lungs, which can lead to asphyxiation and drowning. But the water she was in was cold which can actually increase her chances of survival.", She explained, trying to give us hope and then she went back in.

I was glad that she informed me. I wiped away the tears that prickled at my eyes for a few minutes now and fully turned to Morgan asking him to tell the others as I waited here and so he did.

I saw how he made gestures with his hands as he conveyed what was told.

Meanwhile I remembered an article I once read; human beings who are in severe hypothermia will appear dead but may be in a 'metabolic icebox', meaning they can be revived.

The heart is probably still beating albeit very slowly, but if enough blood is circulating, it could be enough to keep the person alive until they can be warmed up.

"She's warm but we have no activity on the heart monitor.", I heard.

"Okay, one last round of medication and defibrillation.", I think it was doctor Burme who said that.

I stared at the door, waiting for something to happen. Derek came and rejoined me again, asking me if there was anything new. I shook my head no and we stared at the door.

After half an hour passed, the nurse came out once again, "her temp was up to 86. We continued to warm her and attempt resuscitation. There was no movement in her heart. Beside the gastric lavage we also did a cardio- pulmonary bypass. Once the temperature was up, we tried to restart again. Burme saw activity on the heart monitor and shocked the patient one last time. After that she flatlined again but a short time later, her heart started beating. A short while after that we were able to get rid of the breathing tube and now she started breathing on her own again. Now we need to give her more time to rest."

"Thank you.", Morgan said and the nurse nodded.

"We will inform you if something else happens."

"We really appreciate it.", I managed to get out and the nurse answered,
"We don't see a lot of agents that often.", which was probably another attempt at trying to enlighten the mood.


The doctors were still concerned about Heather Jayce's brain function but they decided to not tell the members until she woke up and they could check it out themselves.

Heather Jayce now had her own room in the ICU. While she is sleeping there, all members of the team are still waiting outside.

**A/N: I hope you like the story so far.. Please let me know what you think and suggest what should happen next :) thank you for reiding and voting so far <3

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