xii -first date-

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Reid nervously looked at his watch and at exactly 6:57 o'clock he ringed Heather's doorbell.

He had been fatally attracted to this woman since he had met her and he had just recently worked up the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend.

He still couldn't believe that she had said yes, now fearing that if he was to say one wrong thing that she would realise what she had done and regret it, his hands were getting sweatier with every single one of his doubts so he wiped them on his pants.

However all of his worries subsided when she opened the door, looking beautiful as always in a sparkly, dark blue dress that went up to her mid-thigh.

This sight made him lose every ounce of breath in his body.

He looked up to her face and took in her smile, that wide and radiant smile, and her eyes that were subtly done up with makeup.

Finally coming back to his senses he realised that he should greet her so he did,

"Hi.",he said, his cheeks turning red.

"Hi", she said also.

"Ready?", Spencer asked whereupon she nodded and intertwined their hands after stepping out of her door and locking it.

"Let's go.", she suggested and gave him a quick peck on his lips, making Spencer's nerves loosen up a bit and making him feel a lovely tingle everywhere in his body.

He opened the door to the passenger side of his car for her and she thanked him.

When they reached the restaurant, he also opened the door and moved Heather's chair for her.

There was a lit candle on the white tablecloth, even some rose petals and two menus.

She bit her lip and they ordered their food when the waitress came by asking them what they wanted.

"Could I please have the chicken supreme?", she asked, and the waitress nodded while noting it down and afterwards turned to Spencer.

"Me, too, thank you. And, uhm, could we also please have some glasses of your best wine?"

"Sure, your order will be delivered shortly.", the server smiled at both of them and left after she jotted down Reid's order as well.

They smiled at each other and Heather declared how much she loved to get to be on this date with him and thanked him for having asked her.

Reid wanted to ask her more than a thousand questions, but he didn't want to ask stupid questions.

They had talked about so much already, he felt like he already knew nearly everything about her.

"What is your favourite colour, Spence?", she asked him, making him laugh and feel absolutely wonderful due to his name sounding so much better when it left her full lips.

"Purple.", he confessed, "what about yours?"

"Green.", she began laughing now, too, feeling a bit like a child, asking about favourite colours, "not that ugly green, though, but fir green."

"Why green?", he asked at the same time she asked him "Why purple?", what made both of them smile very widely.

After their conversation about their favourite colours, the waitress came to deliver their plates and poured some expensive red wine into their glasses.

They talked about everything and nothing during dinner, the food was absolutely delicious, the wine made Heather feel even warmer and pricklier than she did already (Spencer didn't drink that much since he still had to drive both of them home) and Reid decided that he wanted to take her to a small walk before driving her back, wanting to look at the stars with Heather since she told him that she had a great passion for astronomy (he did as well).

When their plates were cleared, Spencer felt drunk even though he had just finished sipping on his first glass of wine.

He didn't feel drunk due to the alcohol, he felt inebriated, intoxicated as if she was a chemical substance he was consuming the whole evening. It felt like his heart was on fire and as if his fingertips, his lips, were turning blue and sad because he didn't touch her, didn't kiss her.

He did touch her arm whenever he got the chance while sitting opposite her but every second he wasn't in contact with her, he craved to be.

Reid deposited some notes on the table and took her by her hand, so that they could get out of the restaurant.

As soon as they did, he took his jacket and laid it onto her shoulders. She smiled at him always being so attentive and kind and inhaled the manly smell of his jacket, which made her feel sensationally happy.

She kissed him in order to thank him, and they meshed their fingers together like they belonged that way, walking slowly down the street.

She wanted to kiss him silly, he had this sexy nerd thing going on and didn't even know it, which made it even hotter.

They both looked up into the dark night sky and awed at the stars that were already showing themselves.

"So beautiful.", Heather said, meaning the stars.

"I agree.", Spencer said, looking at her and kissing her once again not wanting to stop his lips from touching her soft ones.

"Our native galaxy accommodates around 100 billion stars. That's more than there are humans on earth.", he whispered and she held on to him even stronger, not wanting to let him go.

She didn't want this moment to go away, she was so happy right in that particular point of time, with Spencer by her side.

They talked about their favourite facts about our solar system and were happy to find out that they both shared the Jupiter as their favourite planet.

When they got back into his car, both of them felt a soft pressure on their chest, wishing that this night wouldn't come to an end.

Spencer stopped the car in front of her house and turned to her right as she loosened her seatbelt and thanked him for this magical evening, she leaned over to him to give him a goodnight kiss when he deepened the kiss.

He put one of his hands on her cheek and the other one on her bare knee, not wanting her to leave.

Finishing the small make out session in his car with slightly and carefully biting down onto her bottom lip like she uses to do sometimes which drives him crazy.

She let their foreheads touch and closed her eyes for a minute.

"Goodnight Spence.", she said very delicately, giving him one last kiss before getting out of the car and disappearing back into her house.

Spencer kept looking at the white door she had disappeared through for a few more minutes, smiling, before driving off to his own apartment.

He would definitely sleep better tonight, dreaming of her brown hair, her cute glasses, just everything about her and stars.

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