xxvi -it was going so well..-

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*Spencer's point of view*

We went to eat some Chinese food with the team to conclude the evening and to kind of celebrate the case we solved and that Heather would be with us again for the next cases.

After we ate, we went home and as soon as we stepped into the house, Heather attacked me with her lips on mine.

We began to make out, finding ourselves once again against the wall, but then I slightly and breathlessly moved so that our lips parted in order to look Heather in the eyes.

"Spencer.", she whined like a small and innocent child.

"Do you want this?", I asked her and her eyes turned darker with lust as she nodded.

"Are you sure baby?", I asked again.

"Spencer, I'm sure that I want this.", she spoke very softly.

"Should we take this upstairs then?", I asked, grinning.

She nodded and took my hand, leading me up the stairs to our bedroom where we stood near the edge of the bed.

"I love you Spencer.", she moaned in between kisses and I couldn't restrain anymore. I looked at her, asking for permission and she nodded.

I carefully and slowly took off her blouse after she had taken of my shirt. She unbuckled my belt and threw it aside on the floor to join our clothes and then she unzipped my pants and chucked away her jeans as well, leaving both of us in our underwear.

"You're so unbelievably beautiful.", I said to her after I leaned in to kiss her again. I unclasped her bra, and then threw her onto the bed, climbing over her and carefully planted little kisses all over her body, which made her giggle. She ran her fingers through my hair as we made love.


- a week later*


I awoke in bed as Heather tiptoed into the room, a towel around her wet body.

I blinked a few times but closed my eyes when she looked at me to make sure I was still asleep. I watched as she got dressed and then looked at the alarm clock on our bedside table.

She came over to the bed and climbed over me to give me a kiss.

"Good morning Spencer.", she said, "we have to go to work."

"Good morning baby.", I groaned in a raspy voice.

She gave me an additional two pecks on the lips before getting off the bed to fix some breakfast for both of us.

I got up, took a quick shower and then went to join Heather downstairs.

I heard a pan sizzling and she carried it to our table, where I sat at, and put it on the table to reveal French toast.


Reaching the FBI building, we got into the elevator to drive up to our floor. We then got into the conference room, where the others were already waiting.

"Good morning.", Heather greeted them as we took in our seats.

Garcia smiled at us and then turned to present the case.

"There have been a series of rapes in Georgia. The six victims were all adolescent and tied to their parents beds in a spread-eagle position and held at knife-point. The Unsub left, leaving them tied to the beds. This is all the information we have so far.", Garcia said.

"So we're searching for a male with Ephebophilia.", Heather said, her voice slightly breaking at the end of her sentence, and I nodded.

"Why does he rape them at home? And why in their parents' beds?",JJ asked.

"His MO is quite risky. How does he get into the house? How does he know that the parents are not at home and are not going to come back sooner than they should?", Emily joined the discussion.

"It could be that he didn't care for the girls but wanted to attack the parents?", Rossi suggested and we thought about that.

Hotch tapped a pen against the table, "I think he will strike again in the same vicinity but he will watch his victim closely before doing so. We should question the victims and the families first thing when we land and keep an eye on the area. Wheels up in 15."

We filed out of the room and headed to the coffee machine, where Heather passed me a coffee and made another one for herself. We stayed there for a while and chatted with Morgan and Emily before we had to go on board.

Heather sat next to JJ and they talked about something and I passed them to sit on my usual seat.

I turned to reading and the time passed by very quickly.


When we reached the local police department, the others went to question the victims and I looked at a map, trying to figure out where he would most likely strike next. I had Garcia on the phone so that she could help me with adolescents living there and the work times of their parents.

With the help of that procedure I could make out four potential victims.

"One of the victims was able to describe the Unsub.", Rossi said, coming into the room and looking at the map and the notes about the potential victims I had written on a board.

I nodded and he said, "JJ will show the composite sketch to the media and the newspapers are going to put out a special supplement to publish it also. Did you make any progress?"

"I made out four potential victims in the area.", I said, pointing to the board he was looking at.

"That's great. We should split up and keep their houses under surveillance. I'll inform Hotch."

I gave him a thumbs up and when he left, Emily, Derek and Heather came in and we waited for Hotch so that he could give us instructions as to what to do next.

Heather was unusually quiet and I seemed to not be the only one who noticed,
"Hey is everything alright, Heather? You haven't said a word since the questioning.", Emily pointed out.

"Uh, yeah, everything's alright.", Heather said and smiled. I knew her good enough by now to know that the smile was fake.

"Okay, Heather- you and inspector Mackenzie will go to potential victim number one, Reid and Emily you'll go and check out 2, Rossi and JJ 3 and me and Morgan will go to house number 4.", Hotch said as soon as he came into the room, JJ, Rossi and the inspector behind him.

We obeyed and got on our way to the houses. Emily and I carefully watched the house of potential victim number 2, Barbara Leaker, but there was nothing.

After nearly an hour passed and we gave up anticipating something to happen, Emily's phone buzzed and she put it on speaker.

"We got him.", Rossi said, "meet us back at the police department."

*back in the jet*

"Good job, Reid.", Morgan praised me and I thanked him.

I then went to sit next to Heather.

"Are you feeling okay, baby?", I asked.

"Never been better.", she said coldly and turned away, looking out of the window.

Puzzled, I went to sit next to Derek since Heather apparently didn't want to be near me and asked myself what I did wrong.


I felt kind of weird writing that haha

since I got a lot of positive feedback these past three days, I decided to 'reward' you guys with another chapter! There are just a few (~7?) chapters left to this story and I'm really excited to publish them all so yeah, stay tuned!

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