xxix -reconciliation-

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*Spencer's point of view *

When JJ, Heather and I got into the jet, Morgan's eyes suspiciously lingered on us for a bit too long.

Rossi, Hotch and Emily were occupied with talking about the case, still trying to find more answers and they didn't even notice that we had joined them, until JJ cleared her throat, sitting next to Emily. Heather and I sat down opposite of Derek.

"Are you alright, Heather?", Morgan asked and she nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking.", she smiled.

I needed to solve this case for her, I needed to find answers for Heather.

"Okay,", I started,"what do we know about the Unsub so far?"

"Well the Unsub is probably younger than the victims, we think so since it was an extremely aggressive kill, which could've showed a hate crime, one theory being an Unsub who would kill people that remind him of his parents. That could be why he killed a woman and a man. He must probably be around his 20s to 30s. The victims probably said something to enrage him, maybe to him what made him feel weak and crushed his ego so he had to kill them in order to regain his composure and power or to each other or someone else which reminded him of, for example, his parents. The 'R' was probably a sign of his to prove that he outdid them and overpowered them.", Morgan answered.


When we landed in Massachusetts, Heather's posture changed, she now looked smaller and a lot weaker. The rims of her eyes were red and she looked really tired, even more tired than she did the first time I saw her.

She fixed the glasses atop of her nose and fished for my hand. I still felt bad about us, since I now saw what she saw in me, them, and I couldn't figure out why. I hated myself for it.

What I could try to sort out though, was this case, so I let myself fall into work.

We wanted to check where the victims had been on the day of their murder, being able to make out a bar with Garcia's help.

Morgan, Emily, Rossi and I went there as the others told the police officers what we had so far and presented the case to the media at the police department.

The bartender had described a 'good-looking' man that was in his 30s and had acted rather strange.

She said that she could recognise both of the victims, they had laughed at his attempt of flirting with a woman, which seemed to annoy him but he left the bar before the victims did.

We thanked her and successfully tracked him down and imprisoned him.

*Heather's point of view*

*back in Quantico*

After I had driven back to Emily to get my car and thank her once again, I drove back home to Spencer.

I felt so bad about what I had said that night but I still couldn't retrace why he had contacted my father and didn't tell me about it.

I had to find out from Garcia, and why he accused me of having something with, out of all people, Andy from my group therapy sessions was still a mystery to me as well.

I rang the bell, since I had left my key on the counter as I had stormed out the other night, and Spencer opened the door, his hair tousled and his eyes puffy.

I immediately nuzzled into his chest.

"I'm so, so, so, so, so, so sorry, Spencer. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, yeah? I love you so much, Spencer."

He placed his lips on my forehead and kissed me there, "Come in", he whispered and I did.

We sat on our couch in the living room, enclosed in each other's arms and tried to sort out our fight.

"I'm sorry, Spencer.", I started, "I guess I still wasn't over the past events, even though I got the report. I mean, I still get flashbacks.", I confessed, biting down on my bottom lip out of habit, "but, please Spencer, believe me when I say that I regret telling you that you reminded me of them. Everything does. You're nothing like them. You are nowhere near like them. Trust me, okay? I love you."

He kissed me on the cheek before he spoke.
"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I just thought you couldn't take it, I thought it would be too much for you and I just wanted to fix this, try to fix you. I noticed every fake smile and every flinch when someone touched you, I noticed, Heather, and I still notice how broken you are. So I asked Garcia about this idiot since I wanted him to pay for everything he did to you."

"It's okay.", I whispered, "I can understand now."

"And I'm sorry that I accused you of going to Andy. I just saw him that first day of your group therapy, you remember when I brought you into the room because you had asked me to and I spoke to Dr. Reddison? Well, he tried to talk to you and I was just-"

"You were jealous?", I smiled.

"Noooo! No! I'm, I wasn't jealous!"

"Are you sure?", I giggled since he was so cute and didn't want to admit it.

"Okay, maybe a little. I was a little bit jealous. His hair looked kind of nice.", he mumbled.

"Your hair looks way nicer.", I said, running my fingers through his hair.

"Thanks baby.", he said, kissing me on the nose and then on the lips. I went over to straddle his lap and deepened the kiss before pulling back.

"But you know that I didn't do anything with him, right? I would never-", I began but he cut me off.

"I know and I trust you. I just, I don't know what drove through me as I said that. I'm sorry okay?"

"You're cute when you're jealous.", I whispered into his ear after I had leaned closer.

"All right.", he said, moving his fingers to my stomach and began tickling me, throwing me under him on the couch, before nibbling on my earlobe.




Hey! I'm sorry about this chapter being kind of suckish (I must admit it's kind of a filler chapter)

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