With My Spirit - Chapter 6

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Lomwe and his fiancé Yolanda just walked into the apartment, they are exhausted after having that emergency meeting at the wedding venue. Someone was trying to steal the venue by making a booking with a higher price but little did they know that Yolanda was hard headed and would not back down without a fight, she added on to the number that the “venue thief” put down and they got the venue for the wedding with an official date set, three months from now she and her future husband will be meeting down the aisle. Lomwe admired his woman, she had the good qualities he looked for and proposing her was the best decision he ever took, he couldn’t help but notice how sexy she looked when she was just going on and on about the day while using hand gestures, her Nigerian accent was topping everything off about her.
Lomwe got closer to Yolanda and pulled her in gently into his arms, he started planting kisses on her soft lips until she responded and kissed him back, he moved his hands down to her booty and roughly but sexy grabbing it and squeezing her until he heard a soft moan coming from her lips. Just as his boner was getting harder Yolanda stopped the kiss and mumbled ‘’My Oga’’ and he just responded with a ‘’hmmm’’ while his eyes are squinted with a confused expression, he didn’t understand why she broke the kiss but he was willing to listen.

Yolanda: Babe let’s talk about the party you are doing with your Dricky friend, I honestly feel like it’s not needed.

Lomwe: But babe that’s the only way for people to get to know you and see you before the big day, if you meet them now you will get to answer all the questions they ask you and get through all those formalities, on top of that you will get to know all the closest people in my life.

Yolanda: Besides your parents, you are referring to Landrick and that Bambi friend of yours. You are close to them.

Lomwe: Yes my love, you have only met Landrick once and it was for 5 minutes, as for Bambi I think you are unreasonable by calling her that Bambi friend.

Yolanda: I told you I don’t like Landrick, when I met him I felt this bad juju around him, my energies don’t vibe with him. The Bambi girl, I have no interest in her, I feel like she might be not be pleased with the news, I feel like she wants you. I haven’t met her yet but I am disliking her.

Lomwe: *laughing* babe you dislike any girl who can come close to me, Bambi is harmless, we have been friends for years and if she really wanted me then she would have told me a long time ago. I’m not her type trust me, I know her type. I have met her ex Tevin and trust me when I say, I’m not close to being a match to Tevin.

Yolanda: I don’t agree my love, you know I don’t play when my energies speak.

Lomwe: Yoyo my friends are not bad juju and they are certainly not in love with me. I know you Yoyo, once you start disliking someone you make sure I keep away from them. I love you with all my heart but if this juju talk is your way of not wanting my friends at my wedding before we leave for Nigeria then honestly you are not being fair on me. They are important and their support means a lot, Bambi will be happy for us and Landrick will be her plus one because Landrick is in love with her, you have seen Landrick before and you know how he is, if he wants something he will get it no matter how long it takes him. So please just put your over protectiveness to the side and let things be.

Yolanda: I’m not looking for a fight, please babe *she gets closer to him* I am just scared.

Lomwe: *backs away* Maybe just trust me on this and relax for once.

Lomwe walked out of the apartment, he always does this when he is not happy. He would leave the situation and go sit in his car, he was no longer in the mood but rather disappointed. Yolanda had a way of distancing him from things she didn’t like and now he fears that she might want to do that with Landrick and Bambi.

Yolanda was known to be practising any type of technique that would give her a spiritual awaking, but she dabbled in almost everything she couldn’t detect which technique worked for her so instead of being at the ultimate level, she just made little progress. One thing that helped out was how her instincts would kick when she sense a threat or negative energies and auras from people. Lomwe usually listened to her when she said something was off but this time she was touching on her friends and he wasn’t pleased. According to Lomwe his friends had no bad juju because he has never seen anything weird and for Bambi he has never seen her efforts to drop a love signal, but that’s where he was wrong, Bambi has been trying and he was so lost in his own world he couldn’t see it and for Landrick he was so good at acting and covering up his dirty deeds. The bad juju was there and it was overwhelming.
Lomwe didn’t want to lose his best friends, it would frustrate him and create a hatred towards his wife, and he didn’t want to tell his wife that he will hate her, it will break her and the marriage won’t even begin. He still wanted to talk and see them when he visit SA and hopefully get them to visit at Nigeria. Lomwe was also rooting for the both of them to be together, he believed that they stood a chance and they were a good match. He had a good heart and he wanted to see everyone happy including his wife but now it feel as if he will be losing himself to satisfy everyone.
He pulled out his phone and texted his friend even though he knew he wouldn’t answer because Landrick never answers at night, then he texted Bambi and obviously she texted back.

Lomwe: *text* Tell me if you are doing good

Bambi: *text* I’m okay hehe how are you, you have been scarce. I miss you.

Lomwe: *text* I’m good, don’t worry soon we will be meeting and catching up, there is something big coming and I know you will love it.

Bambi: *text* what do you mean?

Lomwe: *text* It’s a beautiful thing, I need you there regardless, trust me it will be worth it. You deserve to this much more than the others.

Bambi: *text* I don’t know if I should be scared or excited.

Lomwe: *text* don’t worry, all shall be well bestie.

Lomwe left a heart and flower emoji for her before switching off his cell phone, it was a common thing for all three friends to exchange heart and flowers emoji’s, it was their thing and it was harmless to them, well according to Lomwe. For Landrick sending it to Bambi, it meant something more. For Bambi sending it to Lomwe, it meant something more.

Lomwe was confident with the party and the plan for Bambi,after the engagement announcement Landrick will ask Bambi to be his date. He felt confident that Bambi will say yes because this was going to be a day of celebration and good vibes.

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