With My Spirit - Chapter 2

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“This isn’t worth it”.
Jude commented with confidence as if what she is saying will help at all, even though Landrick knew that Jude was right he would never admit to being wrong, that would compromise his worth and would give Jude something to gloat about.

According to people, Landrick was a perfect man compared to his half-sister and that was a status he had to maintain but little did the society know that behind closed doors there was so much drama and shock that could be discovered.
Landrick hated Jude, the hate he projected was only based on the incest affair they have between them, this was something he never wanted and he didn’t know it would happen but surprise it did.

The first time the half siblings hooked up was when Landrick came home drunk after a boys night out, he was experiencing some high sexual vibrations from people in the club, obviously that happens when everyone is drinking, possibility taking drugs and letting loose. Everyone wanted to have sex and that changed the aura for the whole night which lead him to having a sex craving beyond his own control. His demonic being was awakening in such a manner that he could not even tame it, he was dangerous and horny.
When he got home he had an initial plan to invade Bambi’s dreams, manipulate her hormones and thoughts to drive her into longing for a hot session with him, the plan was perfect and it was going to work, it was the moment he was going to get and Bambi was going to be all his but Jude had other motives. She wasn’t going to let it happen since she is the one who is in love with her own half-brother. Jude followed Landrick for the whole night and she observed him, she was able to notice how his demonic being is taking charge and as conniving as she is, she only did what would satisfy her and that is seduce her brother. She quickly went home and got dressed in the sexiest lingerie she could ever find, as soon as Landrick stumbled in the house he laid eyes on the most beautiful sight he could ever see, his thoughts were too blurred to even reprimand him that he is imaging Bambi. Landrick hesitated his moves but his demon was too powerful to listen to any command, it wanted sex, it was too aggressive and it took control of its master, Landrick. Things happened so fast that Landrick woke up to seeing his half-sister in his arms with bruises on her neck and hands, as soon as he got a flashback of what happened last night only regret, rage and confusion took over.

“You are not Bambi”

That sentence alone alerted Jude to wake up as fast as she can but she was not fast enough for Landrick. Her half-brother grabbed a handful of her hair and threw her out of the bed with an unimaginable force, as soon as she landed on the floor Landrick got of the bed grabbing his belt and beating Jude with it from the head to the toes. No matter how much Jude screamed and pleaded him to stop, he didn’t. Landrick had tears in his eyes, those tears represented the hurt and rage he was feeling because he knew that Jude sabotaged his plan, he knew because his demon told him. He threw the most painful cuss words he can at her and he cursed her existence. This was his only chance to get the love of his life but he lost it, he never thought he would lose due to his sibling and her lustful way.
After the hundred belt lashes Jude received Landrick was now tired and needed a rest, he walked away and he listen to his demon warning him but he chose to be the boss and ignore it.

“Jude is a problem”  

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