With My Spirit - Chapter 12

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It had been hell for Bambi, the day of Tevin's funeral had arrived and everyone was looking sharp for the sad event. It was a tense day since Bambi hasn't said a word to Lomwe after the engagement announcement, Lomwe and Yolanda have been fighting ever since that mumble incident, Jude has been avoiding Landrick for days due to the physical abuse she's experiencing at home and Landrick has been acting weird since the unknown spirit scared him. Everything was out of balance and it was visble to anyone who can put two and two together.

The funeral went on as any other service, adding a dash of gossip to make it worth attending. Bambi cried her eyes out disregarding the fact that she's an ex of the deceased, Landrick couldn't stand seeing his soulmate breaking down so he put his stress aside and went to comfort her. Lomwe couldn't make a move since his fiancee was always ready to spit fire and justify her thoughts of a secret affair between the two of them. One of the rumours that made Bambi have a meltdown included the accusations that she was responsible for Tevin's death, she didn't know how that talk came about but it truly hurt her.

After the funeral, Bambi wanted to leave so before she could do that she approached Yolanda so they can have a talk woman to woman. Bambi told herself she got nothing to lose since everything of hers is falling apart. She kindly approached the couple that seemed to be in a low toned argument. She was shocked when Yolanda agreed to have a side chat with her.

Bambi: Congratulations on your engagement, it's finally nice to meet you. I'm Bambi, as you know.

Yolanda: *nods her head*

Bambi: Well uhm, I wanted to apologize for leaving your party last week, I was going through a lot and Tevin's news broke me beyond my point.

Yolanda: Sorry for your loss.

Bambi: I wanted to talk to Lomwe but I wanted to ask you...

Yolanda: You love him don't you?

Bambi: Excuse me?

Yolanda: You love my fiancee.

Bambi: I'm sorry Yolan...

Yolanda: Your relationship with him seems to be solid, he can't keep your name out of his mouth. Is there something going on? Why did you send the message that he destroyed you?

Bambi: Listen I was drunk and i don't remember sending that message, I did see it and I'm sorry. What I meant with the message was how could he keep quiet all these years about his relationship, I felt like he didn't consider me as a real friend. I fail to understand why I never knew about you and if I did really deserve the secrecy.

Yolanda: Nonsense girl.

Bambi: Oh wow

Yolanda: You love him and you can't get over it. You are avoiding him because you are scared to face your feelings. Landrick is in love with you and here you are chasing my man.

Bambi: Hold on. Firstly I'm not chasing your man,secondly I don't know any type of news about Landrick being in love with me and I'm not avoiding "your man". I apologized when I started this conversation while you nodded your head like a bubble head.

Yolanda: Woma...

Bambi: Keep it shut for a minute, you are undermining me and you don't even know that. You think I don't know how you easily feel intimidated by others and how you made that relationship status without Lomwe's permission. For a woman of your " virtue" you made a bitch move.

Bambi suddenly felt a hot sting across her face, that's when it clicked that Yolanda slapped her. She looked up and saw how everyone was shocked and she smirked at her saying " can't handle the facts".
Bambi punched Yolanda across the face, Yolanda stumbled back and Bambi jumped for her so she can be on top of her while she added two or three more punches. Landrick had taught Bambi how to pack a proper punch and it worked well for her when she remembered the notes because she was hitting like a man.

It was Landrick and Lomwe who put a stop to the fight while people were taking videos of the scene, Landrick had Bambi tight in his arms while pulling themselves back and Lomwe was picking up Yolanda. Both women were throwing cuss words at each other, Yolanda was cussing in her own language. When both women were separated Landrick managed to calm Bambi down and before things could die down Bambi looked at him intensely to signal the trouble he was in. Before he could ask what's happening Lomwe's voice was heard in the back ground, he had put Yolanda in the car locking it so he can quickly get to the bottom of things. Bambi was so angry she allowed Landrick to stay and listen since he has to escort her back home.

Lomwe: Bambi I..

Bambi: Yeeei voetsek Lomwe ( Piss off Lomwe). I don't want to hear anything from you, you never valued our friendship, you didn't even bother to tell me that you are in a serious relationship with someone for years and expect me to understand especially when she insults me. How dare you. You are a back stabber, you left it all to Landrick, he had to tell me the truth and comfort me after your nonsense, I can clearly see that Dricky is much more of a friend than you. You know I regret that I ever fell in love with you, you didn't see anything in me but a acquaintance who didn't deserve to hear about your private life. I hate how my heart melted for you, Landrick was right whenever he told me to let you go, he actually knew that I was going to look stupid and now? Look at me being a bull fighter in front of a grieving family, all because of your woman. I curse the day I ever called you my friend

Bambi spit on the floor and walked away pulling Landrick with her, she did hear Lomwe saying " I'm sorry" before they were a far distance from him. She started crying and rushed to Landrick's car so she can let it all out. She spent fifteen minutes crying and sniffing in her friend's chest while he kept saying sorry. It was only after the thousand sorry and sniffs that they started to move to home so they can rest and rethink about the day.

Bambi was in her worst emotions and she knew she had a lot to deal with. This time she can't run away from them, the video was about to trend and she knew it so it would be a constant reminder of the nonsense but at least Landrick was there to keep her strong.

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