With My Spirit - Chapter 16

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After the encounter he had with the unknown spirit, Landrick called Lorenzo to his house. He was sick and still slightly pale, the doctor who passed by requested him on bed rest for two weeks so he can regain his strength. Jude was the house nurse taking care of him, he was so humbled by his trauma he treated Jude with respect.

Lorenzo entered Landrick's bedroom and was shocked to see the mighty boss looking so fragile, he sat on the bed gently afraid that he might hurt him by being a bit rough, Landrick was slightly happy to see him but his eyes were giving away fear and concern. They did their formalities of greeting each other and Landrick went to the point.

Landrick: What do you know about shape shifters?

Lorenzo: Shape shifters can change into anyone or anything they desire to be, most of the people who have shape shifting abilities don't usually use their original form so you can't confirm them. Even in your kingdom, you have them but haven't noticed that much. They make it hard to detect.

Landrick: Is it the only power they have? Just shape shifting? Do they travel with dark clouds, show your future or suck your life and destroy something precious to you.

Lorenzo: That's weird, I never heard of shape shifters who do that. Maybe those who are hybrids could have that ability.

Landrick: Along with the description I gave you, what type of hybrid would you think it is?

Lorenzo: I got no idea, this sounds like it's more than the usual thing we know. It sounds inhumane.

Landrick: If it's not human what do you think it could be.

Lorenzo: Bro I really got no idea, we need to look into this matter.

Landrick: I need you to it while I'm out for the next two weeks. You will also be in charge of my kingdom.

Lorenzo: I won't disappoint, trust me.

Landrick: By the way, tell me why did you go to the Seer With Many Eyes?

Lorenzo: The Seer?

Landrick: The Seer, Lorenzo. Why did you go there? You have never been there before since I known you.

Lorenzo: *slowly swallowing* I went there because I'm in the process of selecting new front liners since the two kingdoms have merged, I want to make sure that I select people who won't betray you. While I was there I did see that some people I was considering are not so loyal.

Landrick: You really love your job ay?

Lorenzo: With all my heart.

Landrick: Then don't do anything you will regret, cherish your life while you still have it.

Landrick dismissed Lorezo since he was exhausted and needed to rest, he knew that Lorezo was telling a lie. He has known his right hand man for a long time, he noticed how he slowly swallowed his spit. This was Lorenzo's habit when he is caught up in a lie, Landrick had to find out real quick what he was up to, it gave him comfort having to know that Sewela will be passing by later that evening so he can enquire from her about the situation.

"Always a step ahead" his inner voice said.

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