With My Spirit - Chapter 17

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The hit song Calm Down by Rema was blasting through the speakers while Sewela was carefully parking her car at Landrick's house. She was always in a sad mood whenever she would met him, she can't forget what Landrick did to her and how she's stuck in this tornado that he knows nothing about.

The thing about Sewela is that she's smart and see knows much more than she could, she's a undetected threat to other people hence Landrick secretly uses her, without her there are some things Landrick couldn't accomplish.

After Jude lead her to Landrick's room, she was astonished at the sight in front of her. She never thought Landrick would be in that position and somehow it gave her hope that Landrick can get destroyed. This might be her chance to be free by withholding information so he can get destroyed. In order to do that she needed to hear his story and connect the dots as to what could be the end of Landrick, the future Alpha and Omega.

She sat close to Landrick with a straight face as she listened to what Landrick had to say, the story was unfolding and Sewela was scared, she even admitted that she knows nothing about a dark force that could do such but hearing the suspicious visit that Lorenzo made to the Seer, she instantly knew that Landrick had two problems. The biggest problem was the dark force which she needed to look into and Lorenzo which she was about to throw him under the bus.

She slightly shifted and cleared her throat saying "I know what he did". This caught Landrick's attention as he gave her permission to carry on.

Sewela: Lorenzo went to the Seer because he wants to own a kingdom, he wants to be like you so instead of challenging you, he wants to create his own legacy and stay out of your lane. The Seer showed him how to achieve that and he wanted confirmation that it won't create a war between you too. I don't know what the confirmation is but all I know is that he's afraid you might take it the wrong way. I mean he highly respects you.

This was music to Landrick's ears.
Sewela could see how Landrick was proud of Lorenzo for his action, the way he is respecting his throne lead him to make the right decision. This is what Sewela needed, she just blinded the King and all her hope is being restored. Telling a lie to him is a ticket to getting freedom, she needed Lorenzo to destroy him and only the closest person to an individual is the greatest enemy. She needed to maintain that lie but it will be easy for her, her biggest challenge is staying away from Lorenzo for a little longer.

Sewela is aware that Lorenzo is trying to get opportunities to interrogate her about the involvement she has with Landrick, he needed puzzle pieces that only she can provide. She was scared to see Lorenzo, the truth needed to be buried until she breaks the tie. If Lorenzo finds out about the tie then it's game over for her and Landrick, she needed to do the ritual but at a given time so Landrick won't notice. The death game favors no one and Lorenzo is willing to take all the risks.

Sewela thought of a quick idea that could distract Landrick for some time, she cooked up a lie about Jude to awaken the anger inside Landrick. She knew she wouldn't get caught, it was common knowledge to the kingdom that if an individual gets sick in their spiritual and physical form then their demons won't work, they don't wake up instead there is a hibernation period. Landrick is very human right now so anything goes. Many of the people would go into hiding until they regain strength or they die.

Sewela stated how Jude tried to get in contact with Landrick's father so she can get shares in the business. Before she can carry on Landrick cut her off, he never had a patience for Jude so telling one little lie was enough to piss him off.

Sewela was confident in herself, seeing her King being so naive was refreshing for her, she was already picturing her life without Landrick in it. She can't picture the day she finds a priest to help her repent, that type of thought will sound the alarm in the realm and a punishment will be served.
She needed to be fresh, strong and focused for the near future of destruction. That day will be hard, emotional and draining. Only those who are focused and strong will survive it, it will be unpredictable but the bit of preperation can give one a boost.

It's time.

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