With My Spirit - Chapter 8

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Two days have passed by and Bambi is busy getting ready for the Announcement Party that was planned by Lomwe and Landrick. She was so excited even though the suspense was killing her. She tried to get some information from both guys but they didn't budge when it came to breaking. One thing Bambi knew about Landrick and Lomwe is that they are masters of silence, nothing can break them if they decided to keep a secret and even a bribe isn't enough for them.

Bambi was wearing a tight white dress with a gold belt around the waist, her slit game was on point and her gold wedge heels finished off the look making her look like a Goddess. Her locks where long enough for her to create a cute messy bun on her head with a few beads adding on for a African look. She had minimal make up since she's not a fan of make up. Bambi was a true natural beauty and she knew how to embrace it.

As she arrived at the venue,she looked around and immediately spotted her best friend Millicent. Millicent looked decent for a married woman,her husband was strict about her dress codes, she wore less revealing clothes and less make up. Bambi just flashed the biggest smile ever and just as she was about to speed walk to her best friend Landrick came in her way. Landrick looked dashing and Bambi complimented him as always, it felt good for Landrick to hear the love of his life admiring her. Landrick started off the conversation.

Landrick: Are you ready for the big announcement Bams?

Bambi: Yes I'm ready but honestly the suspense is killing me, why won't you guys tell me what the announcement is about. Just a lame hint can benefit me

Landrick: Even the lamest hint will give you a idea so we can't risk that, you are one cute and smart woman so Lomwe and I don't undermine that about you. Trust me though, this announcement is amazing and I'll be by your side the moment it drops.

Bambi: If you will be by my side during the announcement then it means that Lomwe is the one holding the news. There is no way you will be out the spotlight during your big move or am I wrong?

Landrick: You see why I say you are so clever, already you know that it's not about me since I'll be next to you.

Bambi just laughed and excused herself so she can go to her best friend, down some shots and enjoy the night before the announcement. They were busy catching up to their gossip until the two women laid eyes on Yolanda. Bambi and Millicent had no idea who Yolanda is, same goes for Yolanda but the woman of the moment was on a mission to find Bambi. Her gut feeling was going off so much that she needed to find this Bambi friend and get some information about her. Yolanda hated this insecure feeling she had, Lomwe was hers and this bad juju vibe had to go away. Bambi and Millicent admired the woman who looked confused but when Yolanda turned to their direction they waved at her and let her be with her own business.

Landrick appeared talking to Yolanda for a second and Bambi kind of had a idea that the mystery woman was Landrick's date and she didn't feel jealous or anything instead she was happy for her friend. She approved of her false information and instantly downed two shots before finishing off what she was saying to Milli and calling her a alcoholic light weight.

Just then Landrick approached and put his hand on Bambi's back, he took away the shot she was about to take down and put it to the side asking her to relax and wait for the big moment before she gets wasted, Bambi had no idea that Landrick was doing this on purpose, he wanted to see her crashing so hard that she cried into his chest and he can be a hero. Bambi's pain was Landrick's gain. The alcohol was doing its work in her mind and Landrick's demon could smell the vulnerability coming off from Bambi and that was a satisfying moment for the half human, half demon. The plan was in full motion.

Lomwe appeared and headed for the mic, he picked it up and as soon as Bambi laid eyes on him, she felt a tingly sensation going through her body and her heart beat so fast, that man was all she wants but little did she know, her world and dreams will come to an instant end. She felt Landrick tighter his grip on her and she was too distracted to even say or jab him with her elbow.

*Lomwe on the mic*
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, thank for coming and I have to apologize for the late invitation, I know that a lot of you had to drop everything and come here. It wasn't my intention to get you this worked up but trust me when I say, this is all for a good reason. *people clapped and cheered*
I would love to thank my childhood friend and brother Landrick for helping me with this, having to keep this secret was a challenge for him but he stayed true to our bond and went extra miles for me, Landrick is the only guy who knows this apart from my parents though. He supported me with everything and I am definitely going to miss him when I head to Nigeria.

Everyone cheered and applauded when they heard the Nigeria part but Bambi stood there frozen trying to understand what would take him to Nigeria, just as she was about to ask Landrick what is Lomwe on about, Landrick politely shushed her and told her that he isn't finished.

*Lomwe on the mic*
I appreciate the applause but I am not done yet, yes I will be leaving but I won't be leaving alone. After the wedding I'll be jetted off with my wife to her hometown. Yes I just said wife, ladies and gentlemen I'm getting married to a beautiful woman called Yolanda, she said yes to my proposal.

The whole room burst with excitement and other people where screaming congratulations and complimenting Yolanda as she walked close and stood next to her fiancee.

Bambi was shocked, tears were blinding her eyes and her legs were shaking. Her breathing was increasing and she was trying to tell herself that she heard it all wrong but when she saw Millicent cheering on even though she was confused gave her the conclusion. When she turned to Landrick all he did was nod his head to put a final stamp on it and Bambi just burst out in tears and Landrick quickly pulled her in his chest trying to drown the sounds of a heart broken woman. He was happy that Bambi was in his arms, he knew that her being vulnerable meant she will fall easy especially since Lomwe is getting hitched soon. Bambi tried to deny what she heard but it was impossible to unhear it, she couldn't keep herself from standing properly so Landrick quickly picked her up and ran to the back of the bar with Millicent following behind.

As soon as they got behind the bar, Bambi tried to speak but it was impossible to hear her words since she was drowning in her tears plus the alcohol was controlling her. In her mind, she could hear herself asking how did all this happen, she was trying to add on the dots as to how was Lomwe in a serious relationship without her knowing it. She felt betrayed.

Landrick gave Millicent a look that made her walk away from the scene. Millicent knew what Landrick was and she wasn't in the mood to stand up to him instead she walked out. Landrick hushed Bambi and told her that he will explain everything so she can understand, Bambi wasn't having it instead she blacked out and it was up to Landrick to handle it. He did what he saw was fit for him, take Bambi to the car.

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