With My Spirit - Chapter 11

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Jude was walking down the hallway of the historic palace that was located in a secret area far away from the town. The only way to get there was by a helicopter and only the elite can get there with a secret password. She was scared for her life because she knew she was in trouble for the lack of commitment she displayed to the sisterhood.

Jude had secretly joined a sisterhood society that focused on reaching for success by using men and Miliicent was know as the Mami of the society. She was tired of being overlooked by her peers and she wanted to make something of herself.

The order in the sisterhood for success didn't matter as long as a man was responsible for your secured future, it didn't matter which man it is hence many of the women went into incent marriages. Jude was obsessed with Landrick and she knew that having her was a way to cash in and secure her future. She was willing to go into any depth to get her man even if it meant killing Bambi but Millicent being the Mami of the society, she knew her chances of killing the Mami's best friend were close to non existent unless Millicent was backed up in a corner.

When Jude reached the conference room where she found all the head council sisters seated there, she knew that the hearing was to begin. Millicent called her in because she was lacking in her task. She was assigned to a man called Mr Ruben Creed, he was a multimillionaire and Jude was meant to be the cause of his downfall. Jude had to execute a plan that would bring the man down to the point were he offered a bribe that would benefit herself and the sisterhood. They were running out of funds and each sister was given an amount they needed to deposit.

Jude had slept with the man but stumbled when she was supposed to record the session, she needed to edit it and make it look like it was a rape situation on screen, the video only showed how the man bend her over the table and invaded her insides, Jude really enjoyed the steamy session because he knew how to hit it right, she forgot that she had to put on a face and went with the pleasure. The initial video needed to look like she was crying and begging him to stop, it needed to look like a rough situation where she was fragile. Her sexual frustrations for Landrick were taking a toll on her and making her forget how to think carefully. During the hearing with human resources Jude lost the case since there was no solid evidence provided to incriminate Mr Creed, instead the wealthy man let the video be played in the boardroom, he wasn't married and had no committments plus he had already bribed the human resources team just in case the case would go south for him. This was a major fail for Jude and the sisterhood wasn't happy. The deadline was already reached and she had nothing to bring on the table.

Millicent had her times to be harsh and today was the day, over 29 women failed to bring money to the table and some got suspended for constant failure and not following rules. Millicent didn't really dislike Jude but she never took a liking to her either, Jude was just another member that posed no threat but that was just an illusion. Nobody knows Jude's past except for Landrick because he was the one to dethrone her and take the kingdom from her hands. Jude had to pick herself up but it was a long journey ahead.

While the sisters where addressing her, Jude zoned off thinking of her downfall that changed her life.

Jude walked in looking at an innocent Landrick who was stressing out over the company, the company was losing a lot of money and every solution that came about didn't work. There was a lot that was being lost and Jude was already crushing on her new step brother, they have been living under the same roof for about 6 months and she never lacked for anything. Landrick never acknowledged her existence but that day something was alarming to Landrick. He enquired to Jude why she has so many shopping bags while they are broke and Jude laughed it off. This sparked a heated fight between the both of them but Jude told him that she never touched the company's money. Landrick was curious and asked her how is she managing with nothing in the house. It was when Jude said if she told him, he had to sell his life. Landrick took it as a joke and he agreed without thinking but he realized the truth right in front of him when he noticed that he was no longer in the same house as he was. The atmosphere had changed, the house looked larger and felt colder. Landrick saw how Jude's eyes turned from brown to pitch black, she pulled out a gold knife and gold cup directing him to cut himself and pour his blood in the cup. Landrick was beyond scared and wanted to back out when she threatened to kill him because he had already seen enough for a normal human. Landrick did as he was told because he felt his days of living were still many, he had told himself he will make an exist as soon as he got a chance.

When he cut his hand, he had to mention all his desires and amongst them was to be an extremely powerful human, that was the day his life changed. He recieved demons that brought him power and made him the half human, half demon he is. He recieved a lot of money and his whole world changed. The money was amazing to have he was overtaken by greed, the company was doing well that he started winning awards for business man of the year and he lived a lifestyle only one can see on TV.
That moment Jude was the Queen of the dark world, she lead with good power and integrity but she wasn't aware that she had recruited a monster that was in hiding, Landrick's demons started preaching jealousy and more power to him, he noticed how Jude was being admired for her reign and he wanted that. He knew what he had to do, dethrone Jude.
The day Jude got dethrone, she had gotten information that one of her followers went to the Seer Of Many Eyes to get information on her, she didn't know what the information was about but she needed to find out. Landrick played her as he offered to be the right hand man who will do the digging and bring justice to her kingdom, her crush for her step brother made her vulnerable and Landrick capitalised on that, the Seer showed him her weakness and he was fully exploiting it. Jude's weakness was Landrick.
Landrick went off to do his research but he had already spiked her drink with a double dose of shrooms, he waiting for 15 minutes to pass and he walked in. He performed a Rights and Power ritual that the Seer told him about, Jude was so high she couldn't add up to what he was doing, she only woke up 73 hours later with a deep cut on her wrist and 50 corpses all around her. When she saw the situation she knew what it meant, she lost her kingdom, power and everything she ever had by transferring it all to someone, the corpses around her were to solidify the ritual as a no turning back.
This was a deadly and stupid transfer anyone would take but now it's in the history books. Jude gave it all up.
She tried to remember who was responsible until it crashed in her mind that her step brother did it, she was so torn and heart broken that she tried to drive a sword into Landrick's back during his coronation but her former goons stopped her and tortured her for days, just as a reminder that she is no longer in power.
*End of flashabck*

A tear rolled down Jude's cheeks while she was caught up in her emotions. She didn't hear what was said until Millicent called out to her.

Millicent: Jude? You shall serve your punishment fully or be suspended with immediate effect. Make a choice.

Jude: Punishment my honor.

Millicent: Well then, let's go.

Jude was dragged to the dark room. The dark room was famous for facing unknown punishments. A person would be thrown in there for hours, unable to see anything while they have to face whatever thing or creature that was placed in. Jude was petrified because she had no idea what would be waiting for her inside the dark room but she knew she would face the trauma waiting for her. She was thrown in the dark room and the pure darkness made it impossible for her to try and outline whatever she might have to face. As soon as she was placed in the dark room, not even a second hit and she felt a sting on her leg. She screamed and another sting came on her ankle. She had no idea what was attacking her and crawling up her legs, this created an intense fear resulting in her jumping around, kicking and pleading to be let out. She had no idea that she was battling with scorpions in the room and they were having her way with her, the scorpions were not poisonous but the fear she felt was enough to traumatize her.
Jude was left in the dark room for an hour but for her it felt like forever to be in there, with bruises and a super red skin.

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