With My Spirit - Chapter 9

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Landrick had Bambi in his arms and he was heading to his car,he chose to drive his BMW X6 this evening which he only takes that car around when he knows Bambi will be around. That's Bambi's dream car and she will never reject a ride from him when he offers it.
Bambi was a mess, tears were coming out even though she's blacked out, at least it was a sign that she will respond when he tries to wake her up. As soon as he reached the car he opened the back seat and put her inside the car, grabbed a bottle of water that was in the car and opened it while calling out to Bambi. He needed her to be awake so she can hear all the things he wanted to say about the situation. Little did she know, Landrick was just planning on bad mouthing Lomwe but not in a hectic way.

Ladrick was having the time of his life right now, he was so sure of himself and his plan and he managed to get her to wake up, Bambi kept stuttering when she tried to talk but Landrick could make up the words just enough for him to answer to her. He was hushing her and rubbing her back so she could calm down and try to explain everything that's happening.

Landrick: I'm so sorry Bambi, I'm really sorry. I know you have a lot of questions to ask and I'll try to provide as much answers as possible. Lomwe has been in a serious relationship for the past 3 years and only I and his parents knew about it. You know how he is when it comes to privacy, he doesn't like to brag or put his business out there, I did ask him why he never told you but he said he felt like you didn't need to know about that. He was never comfortable when it came to talking to another woman about his woman and honestly he wasn't seeing your moves or even took you for a thought that you would want him. It was unnecessary to him when it was about you. When he popped the question I didn't know, he only told me afterwards so I didn't have a hand in that, if I would have known earlier I could have told him about you and your feelings.
I was stupid to think that you would handle this, I should have given you heads up but I'm sorry Bambi. Lomwe loves that woman and he won't do any stupid thing to lose her, I have seen their relationship, it had it's ups and downs but they always got together and came out stronger. Lomwe always mentioned how no other woman could match up to Yolanda, I even cracked a joke by mentioning your name and he didn't hesitate to repeat his statement "no other woman can be better than Yolanda".

Truth and Lies! Half truths and half lies.
Landrick was telling her the truth but here and there he kept adding lies knowing that Bambi will fall into a fit of rage when she has to talk to Lomwe face to face. Bambi kept nodding her head while Landrick was speaking, she was like a baby getting soothed by her Daddy. The alcohol was taking a toll on her. Just as Landrick was about to add more petrol to her fire, Millicent came running out with fear in her eyes. Landrick saw her and rolled his eyes but he didn't know that what Millicent was bringing was going to be the icing on the cake.

Millicent reached the car and called out to Bambi, she was rambling so fast that Bambi didn't catch what she was trying to say but Landrick did. Being a deceiving person needed you to have great listening skills, he heard her say Tevin and he stopped her acting concerned saying "Tevin". This got Bambi's ears standing and her eyes popping then she said gave a signal for Millicent to go on. Instead Millicent pulled out her phone and showed her a post on Facebook about Tevin.

*Article on Facebook*
Earlier today a body has been collected on the N12 road at Potchefstroom, the man is known to be Tevin who got involved in a head on collision with a truck. It is said that Tevin was driving under the influence and lost control of his vehicle, his car drove to the other side of the street where a truck was moving in full motion, the collision happened so fast it was nearly impossible for the accident to be prevented. The truck driver hasn't been identified yet and no update has been provided yet but for Tevin it is a sad day for his family. We send our condolences to his family. Tevin died on the scene, more updates will be sent out.

Bambi just couldn't handle it anymore, things were getting too difficult and she felt emotionally challenged, she started another round of tears and she stained Landrick's shirt. It was clear that the night was over for them. Landrick suggested to take Bambi and Millicent decied to take Bambi's car when she left. Luckily her husband dropped her off so transport issues were easily sorted.

Landrick was secretly over the moon because he knew that Lorenzo was responsible for this and he did it at the perfect day, he mentally reminded himself to reward his right hand man while he was driving home and Bambi was shedding tears in the passenger seat. He didn't care that they left Lomwe's party without informaning him. The damage was perfect but too much to be out there for everyone to know. He had to make more moves for Bambi. Just as he was thinking on how to take advantage of her vulnerability Bambi threw up in her purse, lucky him he didn't have to clean his car, he opened the window to let some fresh air in to cover the smell of puke until he reached Bambi's house.

Bambi's mom Mira was here for the night but she was asleep a long time ago so Landrick careful let himself in while carrying Bambi to her bedroom. He knew exactly where to go since he has passed by so often. As soon as he switched on the lights he could smell her perfume, the same scent he smells when he comes in his spiritual form. He placed her on the bed and went to grab a mouth wash in the bathroom. He managed to do everything perfectly getting Bambi back into her senses for a bit.

Bambi: I'm so sorry about my acting out Landrick, I know you don't like to see me being weak.

Landrick: I'll do anything for you, you seem to forget that and I forgive you.

Bambi: Lomwe broke me

Landrick: He broke you but he didn't know how you felt Bambi. Just let him go before you get depressed. There are men who would love to be yours. Why are you holding on to false hope.

Bambi: The heart wants what it wants Landrick, it's not my fault,I didn't do it in purpose

Landrick: You kept quiet on purpose though.

Bambi: Ouch.

Landrick: Fact. You could have said something a long time ago but you didn't, the only thing Lomwe is wrong about is not telling about his relationship status.

Bambi knew Landrick was right and she can't argue about that, Landrick tried to make the situation lighter by offering to be her plus one for the wedding. Bambi didn't hesitate to answer yes, she had lost hope and she didn't want to be a horrible friend for Lomwe at his wedding day. She also asked if Landirck can lay next to her until she falls asleep. Landrick stayed the night, cuddling Bambi and touching her body all night. He even sniffed her hair and kissed her shoulder, Bambi was too deep in her sleep to even notice that she was being violated by her friend. Landrick enjoyed every minute and ignored the calls from his best friend who wanted to enquire about his whereabouts, even Lorenzo failed to get hold of his boss since he was so lost in the night. He managed to mumble out "I love you Bambi and Be Mine" but he didn't notice that somehow Bambi heard those words but couldn't come to her strength to wake up.

It was 03:00am when Landrick's heart was beating so fast and his eyes shot open quickly. Something was off and he was actually scared. His demons were panicking and telling him that something was outside Bambi's bedroom. It was an unknown spirit, it felt very sinister and Landrick didn't understand what could be more sinister than him. He was actually scared and felt overpowered. He was in flight mode and he quickly but quietly got out of bed and ran out the house. He saw a dark cloud but couldn't make up the form of it or see what's inside. The cloud was lurking in Bambi's bedroom as if it was surveying her. He was scared beyond his wits that he got in his car and ran. His demonic being was shrinking in fear and there was absolutely nothing to do. Landrick reach a far distance from the house, parking his car and wondered so much, what could be scarier than him. The King himself had to run away and he was starting to feel embarrassed. He needed to know but not now, he was still frightened so he needed to go home and rest.

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