With My Spirit - Chapter 15

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Landrick's heart was beating so fast you would think he was holding it out with his hands and placed a microphone next to it. Months have gone by and he managed to move on from the sinister spirit he saw at Bambi's window. He tried to find out what it was but he never got the answers, the spirit was back and this time it was haunting him.

Every attempt that Landrick did to invade Bambi's personal space in the spiritual world would back fire, halfway through his journeys the spirit would appear and it got bigger and scarier. From the look of things it seemed as if the spirit was protecting Bambi from the evil that was Landrick but how can an extremely evil entity protect someone who is innocent and has nothing to offer for them.

Landrick was sitting on the floor next to his bed, breathing heavily while trying his best to recite a Latin prayer for his demons to protect him with no help. His faith was strong to the dark world and he never thought of repenting ever since he destroyed Jude. Landrick was about to do his usual routine which included having sex with Bambi in her dreams, this time he didn't need to create an illusion of someone or something else. Whilst on the way the unknown spirit appeared and covered Bambi's house making it impossible to find a way in. Landrick decided to be brave for a moment and he directly asked the spirit what it wanted and why is it playing in his territory. There was never a response and whatever was controlling this force didn't show itself instead it got angry when it heard Landrick claiming territories, the force moved in a anti clockwise direction, Landrick didn't have a chance to move, the clouds started to fade slowly and a giant human figure appeared, Landrick froze in terror as the giant started shrinking into his size and he could finally see the creator behind this, it was him. Landrick was looking at himself but this time the Landrick in front of him looked extremely sinister and terrifying than he is.

"Impossible" as he mumbled and the Landrick spirit said with a screeching voice " Bambiiii". The voice was so bad that he had to cover his ears, he could tell that this other Landrick is far from being a human or half human. This was something major and scarier. Landrick was afraid of what looked like him, with his usual ego he would have celebrated this discovery but there was nothing to celebrate when Landrick saw himself in his sanctuary standing next to his coffin and the entity was standing next to him.

This was real life he thought to himself, he wasn't in a trance or spiritual travelling, the entity took him back to his house. Landrick tried to speak but the entity Landrick placed it's hand over his mouth, stopping him from speaking, it was sucking out his life. Landrick was feeling breathless, he was shaking and chocking, he had no strength to fight, he heard all his demons screaming in pain. Whatever this entity was doing it was torturing Landrick and his evil being. Landrick started looking pale while he was losing every inch of his life, his eyes where starting to turn pure white and his body was losing body mass. He then dropped down to the floor trying to gasp for air but his insides were in pain, the entity looked down on him admiring it's work, then it opened it's mouth wide open, it's mouth was so open you could swear you would see the trachea area clearly and then out of nowhere Landrick heard Lomwe's voice saying "Minus One Demon". Just as he was about to comprehend what he heard, one of his demons screamed in terror and it was the type of scream that indicated suffering. Landrick then knew that this entity just detached his demon from him which means he lost it. The demon returned to the bottomless pits of hell needing to seek a new owner to posses. He was on the floor unable to move, he was just too weak and scared to do anything. The entity Landrick violenty flipped over his coffin and tore his garments that where placed nearby. The entity came closer to Landrick and kneeled down placing it's palm on his face obstructing his breathing and view. Landrick thought he was getting finished off but instead he saw his worst nightmare right before him. He saw himself lose his kingdom and lose Bambi. He saw how he will amount to nothing and everyone else will be happy including Jude. He started getting breathless unaware that he was having a panick attack. In his mind he was fighting everything off but in reality he was in the deep end of torture till no return.

The entity left and Landrick laid there for an hour regaining a little bit of his skin colour and feeling the pain go away. Even though his limps where painful and he threw up when he tried to get up, he managed to crawl back into his bedroom and curl up next to the bed. His eyes kept twitching, his heart still beating faster than ever and his panick attacks kept on coming and going. Landrick was miserable and scared. He was weak and he knew that this was way beyond him. He had never had anyone or anything destroy any of his demons, he never had a situation where his own demons couldn't even fight back. He never got overpowered like that. He knew he was in trouble.

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