An Old Friend

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Eve stood by the window staring out at the night sky after about two hours. She was going to wake Adam up but he was still fast asleep and she wanted to get back at him for being mean to her last night. She honestly didn't care if he was mad at her and he would get over it eventually she was sure.

Eve turned to look at his sleeping form on the bed and contemplated waking him when she heard a slight thump from downstairs. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest and she glanced at the door. Looking back at Adam who was still sleeping, she hesitated before walking towards the door. Eve picked up her gun on the way and reached for the door handle, not making a sound. Practically holding her breath, she turned the knob slowly and opened the door just a crack.

What she saw standing in the middle of the living room just down the stairs was nothing short of a walking nightmare. Unlike the other Fallen, this one's body didn't look rotten and decayed. It's skin was sickly white from what she could see and the veins on its body were pitch black.

As if realizing it was being watched, the horrifying creature's head snapped up towards the top of the stairs and glowing green eyes looked right at her. Before Eve had time to react, the door was suddenly slammed shut. She was startled when two large hands covered her mouth and waist, yanking her off of her feet like a rag doll. Adam carried her to the recliner and sat down, pulling her onto his lap. She noticed he had grabbed the lantern from the desk then he pulled the pistol out of her hand and pointed it at the door. Neither of them moved and he kept his hand clamped down over her mouth. Eve gripped his forearm and curled against his chest, her entire body shaking.

The door burst open, the wooden doorframe shattering into splinters that flew across the room. Eve barely kept from screaming into Adam's hand and his grip tightened when the creature from downstairs wandered into the room slowly. It turned to look at them, but the light from the lantern seemed to bother it and it shied away with a hiss.

Eve remembered what Adam had told her about the other Fallen, the more dangerous ones. He said they only came out at night. This Fallen though, only seemed momentarily phased by the light. It turned its glowing, green eyed gaze back to them and started walking slowly in their direction.

"When I say, you run to the bathroom and shut the door." He murmured in her ear.

His gaze was fixed on the Fallen making its way towards them, his jaw tightening.

When the creature was only a few feet away, Adam whispered, "Now."

Eve didn't hesitate as she bolted for the bathroom door to her left. The creature tried to follow her but Adam's body collided with it before it could reach her and they tumbled to the floor.

"Adam!" She gasped without thinking and the creature looked up at her, seemingly ignoring Adam.

Adam balled a fist and slammed into the creature's cheek, then glanced up at Eve with a look of fury in his eyes.

"Shut the fucking door!" He growled harshly, and she immediately obeyed.

Eve backed away from the door, listening to the sound of Adam struggling with the creature outside. She got into the bathtub, her back flattening against the tile wall, dread engulfing her senses. What was she going to do if the Fallen killed Adam? How long would she live if it did? All she could do was stare at the door in horror as she listened helplessly.

There was another solid minute of scuffling, several animalistic snarls she could only guess were coming from the Fallen, then there was a sound like feet rubbing against the floor quickly. Finally, she heard a sound that made her blood run cold.........bones snapping and flesh ripping apart......then a thud as something fell to the floor.

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