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This story contains sensitive material throughout referring to sexual violence. This warning will be placed on the main chapters with references to these themes.

Viewers discretion is advised.

After her talk with Myrna, Eve walked back to her rooms that she shared with Adam. When she entered, she found him sitting at the table, his hands folded in front of him. He looked up at her, but he didn't smile. His expression was blank and she couldn't tell how he was feeling. Eve walked over to the table and took a seat across from him, trying to figure out how to tell him everything.

"I'm going to help the resistance." She said carefully, eyeing his reaction.

Adam didn't look surprised and even nodded like he had been expecting her to say that.

"What did they ask you to do?" He asked.

Eve hesitated, feeling nervous.

"They just want me to help them make the cure." Eve said.

Adam didn't look like he believed her.

"What else?" He demanded calmly, his voice controlled.

Eve shook her head. "They didn't ask for anything else.....yet."

Adam's eyes narrowed at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. Myrna just said they might ask more of me in the future." Eve said quietly.

"More of you? What else can you give them but a cure? What else could they possibly ask for?" Adam asked, his tone growing icy.

Eve hesitated, seeing where his thoughts were going.

"I don't think that is what she meant-" Eve began.

"You don't? Well I do. If you care about my opinion, then you'll tell her no unless the deal comes as is, no future asks." He said, cutting her off.

Eve stared at him. "I've........already agreed."

Adam let out a long sigh, his expression darkening. Without a word, he stood and walked around the table, his eyes never looking away from her. Eve tried to look confident but his gaze made her nervous. He looked angry, angrier than she's ever seen him before, but she didn't think it was directed at her.

When he reached her, he simply knelt in front of Eve, grabbing her hands in his while looking up at her with a serious expression.

"Do you care about me, Eve?" He asked quietly.

Eve hesitated, caught off guard by his question, then she nodded.

"Yes." She whispered.

"I have those same feelings for you. I care about you, deeply. I've been by your side because I want to be here. Do you want to be here? With me?" He asked.

"You know I do." Eve said, barely allowing him to finish.

He smiled, then reached one of his hands up to touch her cheek.

"You are always free to go if you wish. I will not hold you prisoner, Eve. That being said, don't misunderstand me when I tell you that if I am going to be with you, I'm not sharing you with anyone else. I don't care what kind of deal you made with Myrna. I don't care if you signed a contract in blood, if it involves anything from you that only I can have, then it's not happening and no one is going to ask it of you." He said, his voice firm.

Eve shuddered, speechless.

"You don't need to tell Myrna just yet. I will play along with her little game for now, but once they have the cure, I am taking back what's mine." He told her, sounding as if he wasn't going to listen to any argument she had.

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