Two Rivers

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Eve stood by the the front of the ship, leaning against the railing. She was taking in the view, trying not to think about what waited for them on the shore. At least they would be heading for more safety within the resistance.

Michael walked up next to her and she glanced at him, giving him a small smile. He smiled back, but he looked like he had something in his mind.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about this, so I won't. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for letting you walk back on your own. I feel responsible for what happened to you." He said quietly.

Eve gave him another smile. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault. We were having fun and both of us were drunk. You couldn't have known."

Michael nodded, looking out over the water.

"I'm not excited to be back in Fallen territory. I was actually starting to enjoy life without having to see monsters everyday." Michael said after a moment.

"Me too. Hopefully our journey is a lot less eventful." Eve said.

"Myrna said the resistance is up north in Minnesota somewhere. Why in god's name they decided to settle there is beyond me. It's cold as shit." Michael said jokingly.

Eve giggled. "I'm sure there's a reason."

Michael scoffed. "I would honestly like to hear it. It's a good thing I brought a coat, that's for sure."

Eve remembered she had one as well but it really hadn't been cold enough yet to use it. They were in the peak of summer, July she thought, so it would be warm most places they went. It would soon grow colder she knew, especially if they traveled up north.

Adam walked up on her other side, glancing down at her.

"Myrna says we're close. We are docking at Two Rivers." He told her, glancing at Michael.

"Our conversation is perfectly appropriate, I assure you, lover boy." Michael said, rolling his eyes.

Eve glanced at Adam who had a guilty look on his face. So he had confronted Michael.

"Where are we going from there?" She asked him.

"Myrna says there's a car waiting for us. We are going to stop for the night in Two Rivers, then head out tomorrow morning." Adam said, looking out over the water.

Eve nodded. "Why are we going to Minnesota?"

Adam shrugged. "There are three things that bother the Fallen; sunlight, water, and if you can believe it, the cold."

"Is that why Navy Pier was safe even at night?" Eve asked curiously.

Adam nodded. "Yeah, but it also depends on how careful you are. The cold is your best bet if you want to stay away from the Fallen."

"How come?"

"They are cold blooded. They don't create any body heat so they pretty much freeze in the cold. They don't die though."

Eve nodded, surprised at how much Adam knew about the Fallen. She supposed that it came with years of survival out in the wastelands of the world alone. He was like a walking survival guide.

"We should probably try and stock up on warm clothes once we make it to shore. When we make it to the resistance, it will only be a few months before the weather changes. You're too damn skinny, your ass will freeze without proper attire." Adam said, eyeing her.

Eve scoffed. "I am not."

"Yes you are, honey." Michael concurred.

Eve frowned at the two men, then looked away, sulking.

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