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Adam felt a searing pain like lava boiling through his veins. His body convulsed, thrashing about involuntarily as he struggled to comprehend what was happening to him. He glanced to the side and found Ian and Michael in the same state, writhing around on the ground in pain. He could hear the Fallen going mad, all of them being released from his control as he could barely think straight.

Gun shots, screams, and vicious snarls.

His vision began to blur as the pain started to slowly make his body feel numb. His heart began slowing as everything started to shut down, his strength leaving him. He got the feeling that he was dying and that these were his last moments. He suddenly pictured Eve, her beautiful smile on those lovely red lips. He missed her and wished more than anything in that moment to hold her in his arms one last time. He then thought of his child, the one he now felt he would never get to meet. He prayed that whatever happened to him that they would be safe with their mother and that they would live on happily without him.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" He suddenly heard Fox wail, sounding like she was in a tremendous amount of pain.

Adam could......feel the pain, like a phantom in the back of his mind. He could barely feel anything at that point but Fox's pain was so striking, like she was being utterly obliterated. After a few moments of listening to Fox's screams, they finally died down until they stopped completely. Adam assumed that he had failed and that Fox was dying right along with him. He felt guilt as he took his final breaths, regret for not doing more and being stronger. The last thing he saw before his eyes slid shut into cold darkness was his parents smiling at him warmly as if they were welcoming him into the afterlife..........

A surge of energy suddenly shot through him, bringing his body back to life. It was immense and overwhelming, unlike anything Adam had ever felt before. Every muscle in his body constricted and his back arched involuntarily. It felt like every cell in his body was burning and he couldn't hold back the scream that tore from his throat. It lasted for several moments, blinding every sense in his body. Instead of feeling like the pain was killing him, he felt like he was being revived.

In an instant, the pain vanished and he collapsed to the ground again. He sat there panting as he stared up at the dark sky blankly. He wasn't sure what had just happened to him, but he felt......fine now. After a few moments, Adam glanced to his side where he found Ian and Michael hugging while they cried hysterically. They looked both scared and relieved and Adam realized it was because that all thought they were dead.

'Wait.....we were shot with the serum.......why are we alive?' He thought.

Adam sat up slowly, his entire body aching. Ian and Michael noticed and pulled him into a rough group hug. Michael sobbed loudly and Adam felt tears in his own eyes. He felt dazed, unable to comprehend what they had just been through.


He suddenly stood with renewed energy. He ignored everything around him and went trotting off towards the main building. There were dead bodies and Fallen scattered everywhere, nothing left alive inside or out. Adam searched the first floor, but when he didn't find anything, he moved on to the next. He did this until he made it to the fifth floor where he pushed open the door and found a large glass cylinder in the middle of the room. He glanced to his left where he found Eve laying on the floor unconscious.

"Eve!" He shouted as he quickly ran over to her.

He dropped to his knees swiftly, reaching an arm up under her shoulders and lifting her up to cradle her against his chest. He placed his other hand on her cheek, lightly shaking her. He started to panic when she didn't move and leaned down to listen for a heartbeat. He heard one, but it was very low. It almost sounded like.......his heartbeat.

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