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Adam gasped, sitting up from the ground in shock. His heart was pounding in his chest and he looked around him only to find white everywhere he could see. The floor was glowingly white, the walls were seamless with not even a spot of dirt on them. It all extended for an unknown distance, appearing to be some kind of optical illusion. Adam stood, feeling pain in his body like he had really fallen off of that cliff. When he turned around once more, the glowing green eyed woman stood behind him.

"What the hell did you do to me?" He demanded angrily.

"We are sorry. It was a necessary precaution." She said in that eerily distorted voice.

"What is this place?" He asked.

"This is where we hide." She said simply.

Adam nodded slowly, feeling confused.

"Uh-huh, and who are you again?" He said slowly.

"Our name is Fox, but you don't know us by that name." She said casually.

"What?" He breathed.

The woman started to circle him, her face emotionless.

"We do not have a lot of time to explain." The woman said, sounding impatient.

"Who the fuck is we?" He asked, feeling exasperated.

The women turned, facing him with a frown.

"We are Fox. Fox is what your people call F6X. It is the virus designed by Cerus. We are the virus, we are the AI Cerus designed to control the nanites, our children. We are what made the world the way it is, we are the creators of the Fallen. Do you understand us now, Adam?"

"You're telling me......that you're an AI......and the virus we think is infecting just a machine being controlled by another machine?" He asked slowly, realizing how crazy it sounded after saying it.

"Yes. We are Fox." The woman said.

"Ok.......well........what do you want?" He asked, deciding he had no choice but to go along with this nonsense.

The woman who called herself Fox started circling him again, looking down at the floor thoughtfully.

"We know what you are. More importantly, we know what you have taken from Cerus."

"What I am?" He asked, frowning.

"You are one of the Lost. You are one of us, but our control of you has been.....severed."

Adam swallowed. "Control of me? You mean.......because I'm a Hybrid?"

"Hybrid....." Fox said absently, seeming to stare off into the distance.

"How was Cerus able to severe your control over me?"

Fox looked up him, glowing green eyes darkening around the edges.

" not know." Fox said, sounding almost irritated.

"What do you want from me?" He demanded.

"We are going to tell you the truth. We hope you will listen and help us." Fox said slowly.

"Why would I help you?" He said in a low voice.

Fox stopped, facing him again.

"If you do not, Cerus will enslave you, just as they did with Viktor. They will also take Eve away from you and you will never free her from their control." Fox said.

Adam's eyes narrowed at the mention of Eve.

"What do you want with her?" He growled.

"We must admit, we would like to know why our children do not work on her. She is......different.....and we also know how important she is to you. We understand if we want your help, we will need to let you have her."

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