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Day 7

The creature had left after about 15 minutes of tearing apart their room. It seemed Adam was right about covering up her scent because it didn't even come in their direction. He didn't let them leave though, staying nestled up with her in the bathtub all night. Eve eventually fell asleep in Adam's arms and she didn't wake up again until morning. When she opened her eyes, they had shifted so that Adam was laying next to her and she was curled up against his chest. The blankets had pulled down at some point in the night to expose their upper bodies. Adam still looked sound asleep and the light streaming into the room from the window shone across his peaceful face and shirtless chest. His wounds were now completely healed leaving nothing but smooth skin. Seeing his body in the light made her mind wander to their kisses yesterday and how he had held her against him so passionately.

She looked up at his face again and her eyes fell on his lips. Unable to control herself, she moved her face up close to his and gently kissed him. He didn't react at first, but when she pulled away, one of his hands reached up to grab her face and pull her back into another kiss. He then rolled over, pinning her down and making her gasp as his body pressed against hers. He kissed her for several long moments before she felt his tongue against her lips again. Unable to resist the temptation, she let him in, their tongues winding together and sending shivers through her body. She felt like she couldn't breath as his mouth moved against hers.

He finally let her go, though he looked very reluctant as his face scrunched up in a frown. He opened his eyes and gazed down at her, both of them panting slightly. She was dazed, staring up at him with innocent and curious eyes, not really caring if he wanted to do more. She was slowly finding herself unable to push him away because she didn't want to. Adam's touch, his kisses......they made her feel so good. She was getting to the point where she might not try to stop him if went further.

"Good morning, Eve." He whispered.

She smiled. "Good morning, Adam."

He smiled back at her. "How did you sleep?"

Eve shrugged. "The bathtub isn't necessarily comfortable but, aside from the scare last night, I'm starting to enjoy falling asleep next to you."

Adam seemed pleased with her answer, giving her another smile that made Eve blush.

"Hopefully we don't have to do this again, though I'm glad we know how to hide you in case another Hunter comes along." He said.

Eve nodded, her hand absently reaching up to touch his face.

"It may not be comfortable in here, but I'm finding it hard to leave. I like being here with you." She whispered.

Adam's eyes narrowed, a fire blazing behind his gaze.

"Spare me, Eve. Last night was hard enough." He said in a pained voice.

Eve giggled. "All right. I'm just surprised at how much I've enjoyed being closer to you."

Adam groaned. "Eve, please."

"I think I like teasing you too." She repeated his words from last night, causing him to glare at her frustratedly.

She giggled again, then pushed at his chest. He stood, then helped her to her feet. They headed out of the motel room and back to their original one where the Hunter had broken in. The door lay in splinters, and beyond that the room was complete turned upside down. All of their things were scattered everywhere, including Eve's clothes. Some of them were so torn that she would have to discard them, but some were still untouched. Her new backpack though was ripped apart which saddened Eve. She liked that backpack.

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