A New Identity

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Eve's mind started replaying every memory from when she was a girl to the present and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


"What's happening, daddy?" Rosaria asked.

Her father was watching the tv with a worried expression on his face. His short gray hair was disheveled and he looked tired. Little Rosaria felt scared at seeing her father that way. She ran up to him and grabbed his shirt with her small hand.

"Daddy I'm scared." She whispered.

"Reports have come in from Brazil and Mexico. Those infected with the virus F6X appear to either die or wake back up again, showing signs of aggressive behavior. The CDC is studying this phenomenon, but the United States government has advised that people remain indoors. The President is set to address the public at 6 pm eastern time....."

The voice on the tv droned out as Rosaria saw her father rub a hand over his face.

"God help us." He whispered.

Rosaria started crying and her father finally turned to look at her. His dull green eyes looked at her with guilt. He reached down and hugged her small body as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Are we gonna be okay, daddy?" She sobbed.

Her father didn't answer.


"We understand your concerns, Dr. Benson. Cerus is taking them into consideration. In the meantime, the project needs to move forward." A man in a black and white suit told her father.

Four men in soldier's uniforms stood behind him with large guns, watching both her father and the man in the suit.

"Daddy!" She screamed, as she was pulled towards a table in the middle of the room by two people in white lab coats.

"Cerus' goals will not be met if she dies." Her father said, his voice emotionless.

"Are you questioning my authority, Dr?" The man in the suit asked, his tone threatening.

Her father looked like he was going to say more, then hung his head in defeat.

"No. Tell Cerus the project will move forward." Her father said, then turned to look at her.

Rosaria felt fear at the blank expression on her father's face. He looked as though he no longer cared. He looked......empty.



"Let me out!" Rosaria screamed, banging against the glass of the life pod.

Her father was at a control panel in the large, white room, ignoring her pleas.

"Please don't do this! Let me out!" She screamed, again, banging harder.

The pod made several mechanical sounds, then a white mist started streaming in through the vents on the sides. Rosaria tried not to breath it in, but she could only hold her breath for so long. The mist made her feel tired and sluggish and she struggled to keep her eyes open. The last thing she saw was her father's face on the other side of the glass, no remorse in his eyes.

"You need to live, Eve.....nothing else matters." He said, then her eyes fell shut.


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