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The car turned around corner, after corner, hardly stopping each time and the motion sent Eve and Adam sliding across the back seat. Eve was petrified, hyperventilating and digging her nails into Adam's arms unconsciously. They turned down a street that went in-between two skyscrapers and in the middle of the road was one of the biggest Fallen Eve had ever seen.

It was easily 10-15 feet tall with grotesque bulges and sores all over its body. It's face sunk into the mangled flesh around its neck and shoulders and the thing didn't even resemble a human except for it's eyes. The Fallen turned to look at the vehicle as it screeched to a halt. When it saw them, it threw back its ugly head and let out the same low bellow from before. Then, it charged at them. The ground shook as its massive body took off towards them, running at speeds it should not have been able to run with such a massive body.

"Everyone jump out when I say so!" Ian said.

Eve whimpered, looking at Adam fearfully. He was watching the giant creature running towards them, his face unreadable.

Just when it was about to hit the SUV, Ian yelled, "Now!"

Adam pulled Eve out of the side door as if she were light as a feather, then took off towards the skyscraper to their right. A massive crunch noise could be heard from behind them as Adam carried her to safety. She looked over his shoulder as the huge Fallen began smashing the vehicle with its giant fists. In the distance, the hoard of other Fallen came barreling down the streets towards them.

Ian and Michael ran to the opposite skyscraper where they disappeared inside. Adam kicked the door down to the skyscraper closest to them and ran to the stairwell that went up the middle of the building. They made it about 10 floors up before he finally stopped and exited the stairwell. He checked either side before running towards one of the doors in the hallway. It was an old office floor with desks and computers scattered everywhere like a tornado had come through. Adam found a small office door in one of the corners and pushed it open. He set her down again, then turned to bar the door with a metal chair.

"What do we do?" Eve breathed.

Adam turned to grab her by the shoulders, looking her in the eyes with a serious expression.

"It's alright Eve. We just have to wait it out until morning." He said, trying to optimistic.

Eve took a ragged breath. "What the hell was that thing?"

"It was a Beast. You can kill them, unlike Hunters, but they are tough bastards to kill. They have layers of flesh that they acquire by devouring their victims. They are too big to come in the buildings though, as strong and as fast as they are." He explained, sounding a little more confident in that fact.

".......but the Hunters can?" She asked.

Adam didn't answer and a cold chill crept up her spine. Before Eve could ask more, Adam pulled out a pocket knife, opened it, then dug it into his arm. Blood dripped onto the floor and he hissed in pain, his face scrunching together as he tried to collect the dark liquid in his other hand.

"I hate it when you do this." She told him as he began to smear it all over her clothes.

"I'm sorry, I knows it's disgusting-" He began, but she cut him off.

"Not for that reason. I hate it because you have to hurt yourself." She whispered.

Adam paused, giving her a small smile, then continued what he was doing. Once he had covered nearly every part of her body in his blood, he lead them to the corner of the office where he sat down on the floor. He motioned for her to sit in between his legs and she walked over cautiously, taking his hand as she sat down in front of him. She leaned back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, his elbows propped up on his knees.

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