The Resistance

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Day 13

They all woke up bright and early, loading up in the car and driving the rest of the way to Wheelers Point. Like Myrna said, there was a group of resistance fighters waiting for them at the docks when they arrived. They were all men with blue armbands on the right side of their black uniforms. When the car approached, Myrna got out first to speak with one of the men who glanced at the car warily. A moment later, Myrna waved to them and they all exited the car.

"Load everything up on the boat, we leave in five." The man Myrna had spoken to ordered the other resistance fighters.

Eve followed close behind Adam, his hand clutching hers firmly, as they made their way towards one of the luxury boats at the dock. He watched the soldiers, his expression hard and unwavering as he stared down anyone who so much as looked in Eve's direction. After he had spoken with Myrna last night, his demeanor had changed. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but he seemed to have less patience with others, especially when it came to Myrna.

Eve had been surprised at the way he had spoken to Myrna. When she asked about what he said to her, he just shrugged and said he would tell her later. It bothered her that he wasn't being open about what they talked about, but she wanted to trust that he had their best interests in mind.

Once they were on the boat, Myrna was the last to follow and she looked at all of them cautiously.

"Oak Island is just a short ride across the lake. We should be there this afternoon." She glanced at Adam with warily. "Please understand that most of my people don't know what you are. I told commander Ernhart that we had precious cargo, but they don't know about you three yet. I plan to tell them all at the assembly tonight."

Eve frowned at her. "Wouldn't it be better just to be upfront and honest? We want them to trust us."

Myrna shook her head. "I understand your point, but I know my people. It would be best to tell them in a controlled environment after you all are situated. I trust commander Ernhart and I plan on telling him once we reach the island. Him and his men will be on standby in case things go sideways."

"In case things go sideways?" Eve scoffed.

Myrna sighed. "Eve, you are different from everyone else. You, unlike everyone on that island, have nothing to be afraid of. They do. Fear can cloud even the most seasoned soldiers judgement, though my men have known fear all their life. There is a reason Hybrids are not allowed in human settlements, and it's not because of the leaders, it's because of the people."

Eve backed off, understanding her point. She still didn't like it though. The last thing she wanted was any of the guys getting hurt because of a misunderstanding.

"So long as that fear is directed at us and not Eve, it's nothing we haven't dealt with before." Adam said, giving Myrna a strange look.

Eve frowned at him, confused as to why he was suddenly speaking to her like he was the one in charge and not her. It was starting to really bother Eve and she hoped he didn't do anything to jeopardize their standing with the resistance.

Eve placed a hand on his arm and squeezed, causing him to look at her.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." She said, not taking her eyes off of Adam.

He just looked at her, his expression unwavering.

"We're ready to go, boss." The man Myrna called commander Ernhart said as he boarded the ship.

"Felix, I need you to have a seat." Myrna said.

Ernhart looked older but not as old as Myrna, maybe a few years older than Ian. He had olive skin like her as well as brown eyes, but his hair was a light brown instead of raven black. He gave her a questioning look, then went to sit down next to her.

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