Judgement Day

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Day 21

Eve sat on the edge of her bed, feeling absolutely hopeless. Her entire world felt like it was crumbling in front of her, a short lived dream that was doomed to end soon. What had she done?

The guards pounded on the door, then a moment later it opened and three man came in to escort her. Eve hesitated, guilt making it hard for her to move. If she did not go with them willingly, they would carry her there. She knew this because they had done it yesterday in Wade's penthouse. After he had told her what he had been planning, she lost control of herself. She had tried to attack Wade, wildly throwing herself at him and swinging as hard as she could. He had easily swatted her attempts away and the guards came a moment later, packing her away as she screamed curses at Wade.

This morning, she felt sick. Not just sick with guilt, but because of her pregnancy. Melinda had told her the signs, and soon she started noticing them. To be honest, she had already started to feel them, even before arriving. It just made it all the more real knowing what they were.

Eve stood, pausing before following the guards out of the room. They lead her out of the main building and towards the front entrance where she had come in the first day. She walked past row after row of black buildings all neatly organized in a grid pattern. Eve hated this place. It felt cold and dead. She wanted nothing more than to leave, but now that wasn't ever going to be possible.

They walked out in front of the walls, row after row of Cerus soldiers waiting for them there. She knew that the entire army was only there to protect Eve. Wade stood just a little ways in front of the soldiers and he turned to smile at her as she approached.

"Good afternoon, Eve. Are you ready?" Wade asked mockingly.

Eve didn't answer. She glared at him instead, her eyes narrowing.

"Not as talkative today I see. Lost that fighting spirit? Shame. Ah well, life must go on. Come." He told her, waving to the guards escorting Eve.

Eve stood next to Wade, soldiers surrounding her on all sides. She hated being boxed in. She hated being controlled. She hated that she was being made to stand there like a piece of meat in an animal trap.

"What are we waiting for?" Eve demanded after several moments of silence.

Wade sighed. "We are waiting for your beloved to arrive."


"You're saying.........this virus isn't really a virus? It's a fucking microscopic robot?" Ian said incredulously.

"I know. It's hard to believe, but.....something tells me it's true." Adam said.

"How much more fucked does this picture get? Jesus Christ, I sound like Ian." Michael said, sounding exasperated.

"It's true. Every word Adam said." David said, looking up at Adam warily.

Adam pointed a finger at him accusingly. "You were hoping you had enough time to get me back to Cerus before Fox spoke to me, weren't you? You were trying keep that from happening, right?"

David hung his head in shame.

"Yes.......yes I was." He said quietly.

"Why?" Adam demanded, his tone icy.

"Because there is no winning against Cerus. There is no army you can muster that they cannot defeat. They have.......weapons and numbers. I also know you can't control that device in your head. Fox won't let you." David said, swallowing nervously.

"Not anymore. I made a deal with Fox. In return, she granted me full access to the device." Adam said, his voice hard.

David looked up, his face shocked.

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