Silent Night

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Day 2

Eve lurched forward with a start, her chest heaving and her heart suddenly racing as she tried to comprehend where she was, yet again, and what had happened to her. Her mind replayed the previous day's events, the shock of witnessing such a horrific scene and the inhuman walking corpses that had chased her. She had even managed to kill one of them, and then.....

The man.

Eve remembered stumbling into him, literally, in the parking garage after running into another one of those undead creatures. He had saved her by shooting it. She must have passed out from sheer exhaustion and shock after the whole ordeal.

Eve took in her surroundings, finding herself yet again in a strange room she did not recognize. It looked to be an apartment inside one of the buildings within the ruined city she had seen before. The bed was tattered and old, stains covering the material and she grimaced, trying not to think about the germ riddled fabric. It was nighttime out, nothing but darkness could be seen through the windows of the apartment. It had been sunrise, or so she had thought, when she had escaped that facility she had awoke in.

Standing, she surveyed the room and found that it was quite a mess aside from a worn backpack leaning next to the door of the room. She assumed it belonged to the man who had saved her. Eve froze when she saw a broken mirror in the corner that caught her eye and she suddenly became curious.

Walking over towards her reflection, she stopped just a few feet away to take in her appearance. She was rather skinny, possibly malnourished from who knows how long it had been since she had real food. The IV was probably the only thing that had been keeping her alive and she was still lost as to how and why she had survived that way and for how long. Her identity and memories were still a mystery and she wondered when, if ever, she would regain them.

The woman in the mirror had long red hair that was slightly dirty in some places, but still somewhat organized. There was dirt covering her face and clothes in patches all over her body, the plain white pants and shirt she had on ripped from scrambling and crawling across the ground to get away from the undead creatures. Her white socks were dirty and torn and blood seeped into them from where she had cut her feet on the gravel. She was a mess, but the red haired, green eyed woman staring back at her still seemed....beautiful in a way.

She shook her head, still trying to understand what she was doing in this situation to begin with. Why had she been in that room? Who had put her there? What were they doing to her?

'I'll probably never know unless I can remember.' She thought sourly.

The door to the room suddenly opened and Eve turned around hurriedly to lock eyes with the man who had saved her earlier. The man closed the door behind him slowly, only taking his eyes off of her for a moment, before looking back at her with a frown.

"Are you alright? You've been out since yesterday morning." He asked, his voice deep and husky, almost as if he had not slept in a while.

She nodded, not saying anything.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not going to harm you." He said, raising both of his gloved hands.

She nodded again, looking up at him sheepishly from under her lashes.

"I know. You saved me from that thing back in the parking garage. Thank you." She said, trying to sound sincere.

She was sincere and thankful, but something about this man made her feel......odd.

He nodded, turning to peel off his gloves and set them on the desk next to a lantern that lit the room.

"Don't mention it. I heard a gunshot, that's why I found you there." He explained.

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