The Truth

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That evening, Myrna came and rounded them up for the assembly. It was actually kind of chilly despite it being summertime so Eve threw on her sweater and Adam had on his leather jacket, the same one he wore the day he found her. She felt oddly content after their conversation. It put her mind at ease and she felt like she had something to look forward to someday. It was a big change compared to her life as a lab rat for her own father.

Myrna had told them to sit next to her for the assembly so that way Felix and his men could guard them. They all looked nervous and tense about the upcoming announcement, including Myrna. They made it to the balcony on the second floor of the log building overlooking a open area below. There were people already gathered there including a few women and children. They were heavily guarded though and they were separated from the rest of the group.

"Ready?" She asked them.

Eve nodded. "Ready."

Myrna turned back around, leaning against the railing to address the crowd below.

"People of Oak City, thank you for coming. I have returned from my recent travels to Navy Pier, and I have some news I wish to share with you all." She began, projecting her voice so they could hear her.

"Times have been tough lately. We've lost a lot of people and had to take some extreme measures. It has not been easy. It is why I set out to try and find a solution, and I have found one."

Eve felt her heart speed up as she watched the people's reaction. Adam held her hand, squeezing it firmly.

"I'm sure many of you noticed the newcomers. I have brought them with me from Navy Pier. Our good friend David arranged a meeting with them because they are different. I would ask that you all keep an open mind and trust me as your leader." She paused, glancing at them.

The soldiers around them shifted uncomfortably and the tension in the air grew.

"The men I have brought back with me.......they are Hybrids." She said slowly.

There was murmur amongst the crowd as they all looking confused and scared.

"They wish to help the resistance. They came here of their own free will and they mean us no harm."

"How do we know they don't?" Someone asked.

"Because they risked their lives to come here and bring us the solution to our humanity's problem.......her name is Eve, and she is immune to the virus."

The crowd stilled, every eye shifting to Eve. Adam's hand tightened on hers as he looked uneasy.

"She has agreed to help us try and make a cure. The Hybrids who helped her get here have also agreed to help keep her safe and out of Cerus' clutches. With a cure, we would no longer need to worry about having Hybrids live amongst us. We no longer have to worry about losing our men to the Fallen. We would have a fighting chance against Cerus."

"Hybrids have never been allowed in settlements. Why now?" Someone demanded.

"My people, calm yourselves. Please, trust me when I say that I am confident that we are safer with them then without. We need their help."

The people were silent.

"Now, everyone please return to your homes for the evening. That is all the news I have for you." Myrna said finally, walking away from the railing.

Her eyes fell on them, lingering on Adam, then she started walking inside.

After they all retired for the night, Eve climbed into bed next to Adam, letting him wrap his arms around her.

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