Delve Deep

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Day 5

Eve slowly came out of sleep without opening her eyes. She felt comfortable, warm, She felt cocooned on all sides and she nestled her head against something firm, yet soft. When her mind had finally woken up enough to realize what exactly it was that she was feeling, her eyes flew open in surprise.

Turning her head cautiously, Eve glanced over her shoulder at Adam who was still looked sound asleep against the pillow. His arms were wrapped tightly around her and their legs were tangled together under the blankets. Eve couldn't help but blush, realizing how irresponsible and.....hasty she had been with Adam recently.

Five days.

That was how long she had been with him and here she was lying in bed cuddled up next to him. She felt ashamed of herself yet.......she didn't mind his touch.

"Good morning." Adam mumbled without opening his eyes, startling her.

She was snapped out of her thoughts and she blushed again realizing he had probably been awake the whole time.

"Good morning. Um......why are you holding me like this?" She asked quietly, feeling embarrassed.

"You were having nightmares.......then you wrapped yourself around me and wouldn't let go." Adam said.

Eve blushed hard. "I'm sorry."

She started to pull away when Adam's grip tightened around her. Eve turned slightly so she could look at his face as he slowly opened his eyes. His stubble was starting to grow into a beard and he looked very handsome with his hair unruly and his shirt uneven. His sleepy face made him look younger and she smiled because of it. He could be scary at times, but right then, he looked so innocent.

"It's alright, I didn't mind." He said gently.

Eve blushed, feeling butterflies in her stomach.

".......we're you sleeping?" Eve suddenly asked.

"For a little while. Once the sun came up, I figured it couldn't hurt to get a couple hours in." He said, his eyes studying her face in a way that made her blush again.

Eve just stared at him, feeling her face burn up. He was so close.....

"What were you dreaming about last night?" He asked in a low voice, his eyes glancing down briefly.

Eve shook her head. "I'm not sure. I don't remember."

Adam's response was to brush her cheek with the back of his fingers like he had the other day. He seemed distracted while his eyes studied her face. Eve held her breath, her heart racing as his hand flattened on her cheek, cupping it gently.

"I'm sorry if ever scared you." He said quietly, his eyes searching hers.

Eve's heart fluttered and she struggled to breath. He looked so handsome with his eyes smoldering. His fingertips brushing her neck sent a shiver through her and she swallowed hard. Eve nodded after a moment, feeling the tension between them growing by the second.

"You didn't scared me Adam, I promise. I trust you." She said gently.

Adam gave her another heated look and his eyes glanced down at her lips briefly, his expression conflicted. Eve hesitated, then pulled herself away from him and out of bed slowly. Adam seemed to hesitate, then he stood and they both started packing their things silently.

They started out on the road again and Eve felt refreshed. She had slept almost as good as she had at Adrian's and she was ready to face what laid ahead of them. Adam was quiet most of the morning, looking lost in thought. Eve wanted to break the silence and try and get some more answers out of him.

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