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"Fox, we need the doors open." Adam said, weaving in between the Fallen that were rushing forward into the walls.

"We are meeting resistance. David's warning gave Cerus time to begin putting up stronger fire walls. It will take us a few minutes." Fox said, her voice echoing in his head.

"Hurry." He said.


One Day Earlier

"The doors are controlled by the base's mainframe. Fox can access it, but it needs to be close in order to do that." David said.

"How come she couldn't do this before?" Adam asked.

"Cerus knows how to block Fox, but if I tell it where to go, they should be able to figure it out. The mainframe has back doors in the security system, you just have to find them." David explained.

"Alright, so you tell Fox how to open the doors and we bring the army. Sounds like a plan." Ian said.

"Not exactly. There is something I need you guys to help me with." Adam said.

Ian and Michael exchanged a glance, then frowned at him.

"What is it?" Michael asked warily.

Adam sighed. "The device in my head isn't the only one Cerus has. There are two others. In order for us to break Cerus' control, we have to get those devices and allow Fox access."

"What do we have to do?" Ian asked.

Adam hesitated before continuing.

"I don't trust anyone else but you two with the devices. That's why I'm asking you to put them in your heads like I did, but first we have to take them away from the other two Hybrids."

They were silent as they simply stared at him.

"I know what I'm asking is a lot and I know I shouldn't ask you for more help because you have both done enough already, but.......this is the only way to break Cerus. I'm not asking you to do this for me, I'm asking you to it for Eve." Adam said, his voice pleading.

"We'll do it." Ian said finally, glancing at Michael.

"We will do it for Eve, but we would have done it for you too. I understand that you don't trust anyone. We of all people understand why. You can count on us, Adam." Michael said warmly, giving Adam a smile.

"Thank you." Adam whispered.


"Fox, how are we looking?" Adam said nervously, standing outside of the door Eve and the others had walked through earlier.

"The mainframe has gone into full lockdown. We are trying to access it but they keep shutting down the pathways." Fox said, sounding slightly irritated.

"Is there anything we can do?" Adam asked.

"If you were able to somehow force the security system to come back online, it may give us the chance we need to get in."

"Ok, how do we do that?" Adam asked.

"David said there were weak spots in the critical infrastructure along the walls. If you could somehow damage those areas, it might be enough for it to bring the system out of lockdown."

"Ok, where are the weak points?"

"David said they were every fifteen feet and never next to a door, so we can assume that one would be at least fifteen feet from this door." Michael said, pointing to the right.

"Our analysis is the same. If you can find one weak point, it should be easy to find the rest." Fox agreed.

"Alright, I'll direct the beasts to go down the wall until we find something. In the meantime, keep working on getting access to the security system, Fox." Adam said.

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