A New Beginning

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Day 4

After eating dinner, Adam had walked Eve back up to her room to say goodnight. She wasn't sure how to act around him now that she was going to be staying with him. She was almost too nervous to go downstairs the next morning, but after mentally kicking herself for acting ridiculous, she got herself dressed and made her way to the kitchen where Adrian and Adam were sitting down talking.

Adam looked up at her when she entered the room and she gave him a small smile. They exchanged a quick glance that felt like it lasted forever and it made her heart beat faster. Eve tried not to blush as she looked away and came to sit next to the pair.

"Good morning." She said, trying to break the tension.

"Good morning, lovely. How'd you sleep?" Adrian teased, but Adam seemed more annoyed by the comment then she did.

"Fine, thank you. It was nice to go to bed with a full stomach." She replied.

"My pleasure. You both are welcome to stay as long as you'd like." Adrian offered.

"Thank you, but we have to head out." Eve replied quickly, sparing Adrian from being choked out by Adam who was glaring daggers at the older man.

Adrian raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Headed to Lockwood?"

Eve shook her head. "We're actually going back, I wanted to check on something."

Eve glanced at Adam, then back to Adrian who had a small, knowing smile on his face.

"Really? Well, if you change your mind, you both are always welcome here. I wish you the best of luck and safe travels." Adrian said politely.

Eve nodded. "Thank you, for everything."

It was also a thank you for what he had said to Adam. If it wasn't for Adrian, things might have gone differently.

"My pleasure. You keep an eye on my boy for me, alright?"

Eve giggled. "Alright."

"Who made you my father?" Adam asked, annoyed.

Adrian chuckled slyly. "You wish I was your daddy. I'm too fucking awesome, and I saved your ass more times than you deserve. You still owe me by the way."

"I don't owe you shit......"

Eve listened to their banter for the rest of the morning until her and Adam finally packed their things and headed out.

"Take care now." Adrian said as he waved them goodbye.

Eve smiled at him and waved back. "Until next time."

Adrian winked. "I hope so. Don't get into any trouble out there."

"I. Swear. To. God." Adam growled under his breath.

Eve gave Adrian a smile anyway, trying to keep herself from laughing. He may be annoying, but this world was slowly growing more empty the longer she was in it. It had also been nice for a change to not have to worry about the Fallen trying to kill them for a night.

"How did you two meet? Did he really save your life?" Eve asked when they could no longer see the mansion.

Adam scoffed. "More like I saved him. He's full of shit."

Eve giggled. "He seems nice."

"He's annoying."

"I can't think of anyone else in this wasteland who is also annoying." Eve said sarcastically.

Adam gave her a side long look, but said nothing.

Eve giggled again and they walked in silence for a moment.

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