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Day 16

It was early morning when Eve heard at knock at the door. She had fallen asleep in the chair, her head resting in her arms on the table. Eve went to the door, her body sore from the uncomfortable position, and looked through the peephole. She saw Adam standing there and she quickly opened it. When he entered, he immediately went for their bags.

"We have to go." He said over his shoulder.

Eve suddenly felt panicked. "What did you find?"

Without turning to her, he responded as he started putting their things in their backpacks.

"I was right." He said simply.

Eve swallowed, then started helping him pack.

"Are we meeting the guys downstairs?" Eve asked, pulling on her shoes.

"They are going to meet us at the docks. It's still not fully light outside so they are going to try and commandeer a boat."

After they grabbed their things, Adam rushed them out of the room, grabbing her hand and pulling her behind him. Eve's heart pounded as they made their way to the front door of the lodge.

"How are we going to get past the guards?" Eve asked.

"I already took care of them." Adam said.

Once they were outside the front doors, Eve noticed there were no soldiers like Adam said and she didn't bother asking what had happened to them. The streets were also empty and coincidentally void of guards as well.

Once they got to the gate, there was yet again no one there. Adam pushed the door open easily, then lead them towards the dock. They found Ian and Michael untying one of the boats, the engine already started.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Ian said, sounding shaken.

As they went to load up onto the boat, they heard a woman's voice yell behind them.

"Stop right there!" Myrna bellowed.

They all turned to see her and Felix as well as a few of his men making their way towards them, guns in hand. They all ignored her and began hurriedly loading into the boat anyways.

"You can't take her!" Myrna shouted, sounding livid.

Eve leaned over the edge of the boat as Ian started quickly steering them away from the dock.

"Fuck you, Myrna." She muttered, then turned around and sat down.

When they got a few feet away from the dock, Eve glanced over her shoulder again to see Myrna and Felix standing on the end glaring daggers at them. They had clearly caught them by surprise and Myrna looked like she was seething.

"Why aren't they shooting?" Michael asked.

"Because Eve is in here." Adam replied simply, glaring back at Myrna.

"Good thing we sank all the other boats." Ian said, sounding relieved.

When they were far enough away to barely see the Island, Eve turned to the others and asked curiously.

"What did you guys find?" Eve asked them.

"They found a way to recreate the serum from the facility in LA and they were planning to test it out on us." Adam said.

"We also found messages to a shore contact detailing a plan to attack Adam during a mission. They wanted to take the device once they killed him but they needed the cure first to ensure minimal casualties." Michael explained.

Eve shuddered, thankful Adam had realized now instead of later when it was too late.

"What about you two?" Eve asked.

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