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A group of about five men dressed in the same clothes as Yuri and Deon collided with Adam, Ian and Michael, a massive brawl breaking out between the nine Hybrids as well as dozens of Fallen. Adam did his best to keep Fallen and other Hybrids off of Ian and Michael, but there were just too many. Fighting not only seven Hybrids, but five that were clearly highly altered and highly volatile, as well as two Hybrids throwing Fallen at them, was nearly impossible.

They fought hard, but Ian and Michael were not soldiers like these other Hybrids were. After just moments of the brawl breaking out, they were both on the ground nearly knocked out. Adam watched hopelessly, feeling unsure of what to do.

"Adam, you need to get inside the building!" Fox said nervously.

"I'm a little busy at the moment! I could really use your help-!" He tried to say just before Yuri slammed a knee into his midsection, sending him flying backwards.

When he finally stopped tumbling, he coughed, his chest aching where Yuri hit him. Adam glanced up and sent every Fallen within fifteen feet towards the ground hybrids charging him. The Fallen started to peel them off, but Yuri and Deon worked together to take control away from him. Adam grunted with effort as he tried to fend them both off but it was slowly failing.

"Fox!" He shouted.

"Adam, you need to use your strength. You have to fight them."

Adam struggled to move, the effort of holding back the other two Hybrids made it extremely hard for him to do anything else. It grew to the point where he was completely frozen as he struggled to rip control away from Deon and Yuri. When he looked at them however, he noticed how strained they had become, standing in place with veins popping out of their arms and faces. It gave Adam a slight bit of satisfaction that he could fight them both at the same time, but he definitely wasn't winning. If anything, he was barely holding on.

At some point, Ian and Michael had managed to get up and they were helping the Fallen Adam controlled fight the stronger five Hybrids again while Adam tried to deal with Deon and Yuri. The time ticked by as Adam searched within himself for anything to aid him, any hidden strength he could use to fight. He remembered that Fox had told him he had some sort of secret connection to her, but it seemed to elude him now.

Just when he thought he might give up, he heard a familiar, yet unknown voice, whisper so softly in his mind that he barely heard it.

"We have been waiting for you, Eve."

A fire ignited in him, panic gripping him as he feared what was happening to her. It seemed he had found his hidden strength because he roared fiercely, throwing every once of power he could muster into fighting Yuri and Deon completely off of the Fallen Adam controlled. They stumbled backwards looking stunned as they tried to capture their balance. Adam didn't give them a second chance as he quickly sent two Hunters after them and they quickly clawed them to pieces. He then summoned a horde to overtake the other five Hybrids and Ian and Michael barely had enough time to jump out of the way and they came barreling past them.

They looked beaten and bruised, but otherwise fine as they walked up next to Adam. They made their way to Yuri and Deon where they lay bleeding on the ground, their bodies horribly gashed from the damage the Hunters had inflicted. Adam knelt next to Deon first, digging his a knife into the back of the man's neck until he broke skin, blood spilling onto Adam's hand. He tore open a hole where the device was and Deon groaned in pain as he did. He tried to send Fallen after Adam but he deflected his attempt easily. Reaching inside the wound, Adam's finger wrapped around the device and he pulled, yanking it out of Deon's head. Deon's eyes rolled back into his head as he suffered mortal injuries that would take him several days to recover from. When Adam turned, he noticed that Michael and Ian had already pulled out the other device.

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