What We Want

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When they made it inside, Eve simply stared at everything. The store was somewhat in disarray, but some things were still in its original place with nothing but dust to indicate the passing of time. Adam motioned for her to follow him and they started making their way down the isles.

When they made it to one of the corners of the store, some things on one of the shelves caught Eve's eye and she stopped to see what it was. Adam noticed she stopped and turned to look at what she was staring at. There were rows of bright colored boxes and packages that Eve was curious about. Based on the descriptions listed on the boxes, she guessed it had something to do with more......intimate things.

"Eve?" Adam asked.

She reached forward and picked up one of the boxes, then turned to Adam with a questioning look.

"What are these for?" She asked.

Adam's face fell and she could see him blush. He looked away awkwardly and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, not meeting her gaze.

"Um......" He said trailing off.

Eve looked at the box, then turned it over to read the directions. It was only then that realization finally hit her and she blushed too. Her and Adam exchanged a glance that said their minds were in the same place, then Eve put the box back and started walking down the isle again without another word. As if he didn't want to bring it up either, he followed after her, not saying anything.

They grabbed several canned and bagged food items and some other toiletries before beginning to walk out of the store. On the way out by the register, there was a pink backpack hanging up on a display. Eve grabbed it, then followed Adam outside where they met up with Ian and Michael who had finished filling up the SUV. Michael looked up at them when they approached.

"Did you guys find anything good?" He asked.

Adam glanced down at Eve with an accusatory look, then back at Michael.

"Uh......yeah." He said awkwardly, then walked to the car door to begin loading up the bags.

Michael gave her a questioning look, but she only blushed and shook her head. Michael didn't pry further, but he mouthed the word "later" and Eve nodded.

When they made it to the hotel, it was a little bigger than the other places they had stayed at. It took them almost forty five minutes to clear it before it was safe to pack everything inside. They found two of the nicer rooms on the second floor, then they all started to settle in for the night. When Adam came out of the bathroom after getting dressed, Eve announced that she had forgotten something in the car.

"Let me put my shoes on-" He began, but she cut him off.

"I think Michael needed to grab something as well, I was just going to go down with him." She said hurriedly.

Adam's eyes narrowed slightly as he gave her a suspicious look.

"I'll just be a few minutes." She reassured him.

"Alright." He said slowly, still looking as though he could see right through her.

Before he could ask more, she opened the door to the room and walked out into the hallway. Michael was already there and turned to smile at her.

"Come on. There's a door to the roof up ahead." He told her, then he began leading the way.

She followed, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Adam wasn't watching, then she ducked around the corner after Michael. When they made it to the rooftop, Michael turned and smiled again, this time with a mischievous look.

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